Paint My Portrait ◤Larry Johnson◢

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  ◤Author's note : I got hella excited at this request, not gonna lie, bECAUSE WOW IT FITS AND I IMmediately thought of  a plot upon seeing it. Requested by exen_h_at, and I hope you like this! Character are aged up, because they're in college already ;)◢    

"ASH! I need help!"

The door slams open, revealing a very pissed off Ash. Larry smiles at her, trying to ease the tension.

"Explain to me, Larry Johnson, why are you waking me up at three am at my dorm?!" She shouts, still pissed off. "I'm trying to rest here after days of not sleeping!"

"I just need help!" He explains, now on his knees. "Come on, I need one last painting to do!"

"And why do you need my help?" She questions again, raising an eyebrow. 

"I need to borrow a friend of yours??" He smiles, trying to convince his best friend. 

"For what?"

".. a nude.. painting..?"

Ash stares at him in disbelief, before her eyes widen, "You just want someone to hook up with, don't you?!"

"N-No, Ash, believe me, I'm going to fail fine arts if I don't pass that nude portrait we're supposed to do!" He whines,  now clutching her hands. "Please, Ash, just do me this one favour and I'll do anything you want!"

"Anything I want?" Ash repeats, now smirking. As much as Larry hated the idea, he nods in defeat, looking desperate.

"Please, I'll literally do anything!" He says.

"Buy me Starbucks every day starting tomorrow until we graduate." She smiles sweetly, holding out her hand. "Is it a deal?"

"It's a big fucking deal, and fine." He stands up, shaking her hand once to seal their deal. 

"I'll call you tomorrow, alright? Sweet dreams!"

With that, she closes her door. Hearing Larry walk away, she groans and goes back to her bed to lie down. 

"Who was that?" You ask, yawning a bit as you lift up your eye mask. Ash turns to you, her sweet and outgoing room mate who is her best girl friend. 

"Oh, just a friend." She turns to her side, facing the wall. "Needed my help for a project."

"Is it the same one where you asked me to-"

Ash turns, now facing you as she slowly grins, "Can you do me the same favour?"

You let out a soft yawn, still holding your eye mask up, "Well, is he cute?"

Ash grabs for her phone on her desk, unplugging it from the charger and scrolling through her photos. Seeing a picture of Larry, she faces the screen towards you. You stare, before smiling in content and nodding.

"Sure, you owe me one, Ash." You chuckle, now putting your eye mask in its proper place over your eyes. "Text me tomorrow, 'kay?"

She smiles, charging her phone once more and turning on her side to sleep.

The next day, Ashley couldn't help but text Sal and Todd about her 'match-making'. He agreed to meet up with her at breakfast, and now they're at a diner talking about their best friend.. who is late to their meet-up.

"Where's Larry?" Todd asks, sliding into the booth. Sal shrugs, causing their bespectacled friend to sigh and turn to their female friend, "Anyway, any reason in particular why you called us here?"

"I don't know, but Larry woke me up last night to plead for my help on a project, of course I helped him with it," She smiles at them, chuckling even, "And the reason why Larry's late is because for the price of me helping him with his project, he's buying me Starbucks everyday."

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