Chapter Nine - Kitten

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'I want my hybrid back.' 

The phrase made your blood run cold and Taehyung froze, looking at you with wide eyes. Your lips were still connected so you pulled away, lightly pushing Taehyung off of your lap and stood up. You had only taken one step towards the door before Taehyung threw himself at your feet, wrapping his arms and legs around both of your legs and burying his face in your thigh. He whined, shaking his head slightly and you could just barely hear a chorus of 'no's as his lips were still pressed into your leg. You took his arms, taking one leg out of his grip and disconnecting his legs, doing the same thing. He clung tighter, scared whimpers emanating from the poor hybrid.

You ruffled his hair, ignoring the constant stream of knocks and demands coming from the door.

"Taehyung, I won't let him take you. You're safe here, remember that. I'm going to tell him that he can't have you, I promise."

You thought you felt tears on your leg where his eyes were but you had no time to wipe them as the knocks were getting more forceful, and the door was shaking from the force of them.

Your hand trembled on the doorknob as you turned it, being met with a fist directly to your face. You yelped, knowing that he was just not fast enough to stop knocking but Taehyung growled, taking his face out of your leg to snarl at the men on your doorstep.

You shushed him, petting his ears lightly before straightening up again, trying to look intimidating to the pair in front of you.

"Now that you've so kindly punched me, is there something I can help you with?"

"That's my hybrid ma'am, I'll just take him off your hands. Or your leg, I suppose."

He reached down, extending a hand to grab Taehyung by the shirt. 

"Get off of her you filthy mutt, haven't I taught you anything?" 

You nearly slapped his hand away, managing to collect yourself enough to lightly push his hand off of Taehyung before pushing the leg that he was still clung to backwards.

"He's not your hybrid anymore sir. He's been with us for far over a week, and I'm sure you're well aware that if a hybrid is lost or strayed for more than a week, then the owner is no longer in possession of them?"

"I don't give a damn about the laws, he's my hybrid and I want him back. I'll pay you, however much you want, triple it, quadruple it, it's yours."

Taehyung's head popped up at the sound of a bargain, wide fearful eyes staring into yours. You didn't hesitate at all, shaking your head and wiping a few of the tears that had begun gathering in Taehyung's eyes.

"I'm not accepting money for him, he's a human being. Just because he's a hybrid doesn't mean that he doesn't deserve rights. He's as human as we are, more so than you if you're willing to beat the poor boy up, starve him, treat him like a slave, a pet. So there's nothing to bargain here sir, I'm sure you're also aware that hybrid abuse is a punishable offense? Jail time, up to fifty years. I can see that the hybrid behind you is also injured, don't think I didn't notice the poor thing. So if you'd like any less than fifty years I suggest you hand her over as well and show me your I.D.'s so that I can track you down, I'm sure these two aren't the only hybrids you've tortured?"

The men were frozen in shock, one's knuckles turning white as he gripped the leash of the cowering girl behind them. You held your hand out, gesturing for her hand when the man reluctantly placed her leash in your hand instead.

"I wasn't asking for the leash, I was asking for her hand. Human being, not a pet."

You smiled warmly at the timid hybrid, tossing the end of the leash aside and holding out your hand again. She tentatively placed her hand in yours, walking towards you when you ushered her inside. You let her hide behind you, resting a hand on Taehyung's ears and rubbing them softly. 


"I don't have to give you my identification, you're probably just stealing people's hybrids and selling them into the underground."

"The underground hybrid sex ring that you're a part of? We've got enough on you to lock you up for the rest of your life, but if you play nice and give me your I.D., I'll tell them you were compliant."

The men grumbled, reaching into their pockets for their wallets and shoving I.D. cards in your face. You grabbed your phone, snapping pictures of each card before handing them back to the men.

"Don't even think about fleeing the country, we've got access to who books flights and where they're going. It would only delay a longer sentence. About how many more hybrids do you have? Legal or illegal."

The man on the right spat out a number that was far too large, somewhere in the forties before turning and walking to the car. You sighed, contemplating asking them back to yell at them for being rude but you decided against it, shutting the door. You turned, peeling Taehyung off of your leg and pulling him up to stand next to you. He complied, hugging you fully now, head buried in your neck. You cooed, hugging him back but reluctantly pulling away as you remembered the female hybrid that was still behind you.

Taehyung whined at the loss of contact, but perked up when he too remembered your guest, turning to face her.

She was adorable, not having been more than three or four years old and she bashfully smiled at you. Little cat ears sat atop her head, one looking as though it was actively bleeding, but twitching nonetheless. You bent down on your knees in front of her, making sure to be lower than her so that she wasn't feeling intimidated. You waved slightly, hearing Taehyung's tail beating against the wall next to you when she waved back.

'What's your name love?"


You smiled in satisfaction at the name, definitely agreeing with the choice. Her white ears and tail were the epitome of angelic and her smile lit up the room.

"I love that name! And how old are you Joy?"

She said nothing, holding up three little fingers as a response.

"Three years old?! Wow, you're such a big girl!" Your heart fluttered at her giggles and you took Taehyung's hand in yours.

"My name is Y/N, and this is Taehyung. You can stay here for as long as you want, or if you want to go somewhere else, I can take you down to stay at the shelter that I work at, there's another little boy there that I think you'd really get along with."

(This was meant to reference Jungkook but also as I was writing it I realized that he's absolutely terrified of all female human beings so idk man I made myself laugh)

You could tell she was thinking, her eyebrows furrowed and a frown set on her face.

"But you don't have to decide now, maybe stay here for a few days and see how you like it?"

Her bright smile returned once again as she nodded her head, hair bouncing gently at the movement. You giggled, reaching your arms out to hold her. She ran into them, lying her head on your shoulder. You stood, keeping her in your arms as you walked to the kitchen, Taehyung trailing behind you. You sat her on the counter, preparing a sandwich for her just like you did Taehyung.

Speaking of Taehyung, he approached her, tail wagging at full speed when she squealed, reaching for his ears. She was gentle, not pulling or squeezing too hard when he lowered his head and you smiled, watching the two bond. He picked her up, reaching one hand up to pet her ears as well. You suppressed a giggle at the little purr that emanated from her, tail curling around Taehyung's arm. He continued petting her, nudging you a few moments later with a huge smile on his face. She was asleep, slumped against his chest and you cooed, scratching behind Taehyung's ears. 

"Why don't you go lay down with her on the couch? I'll wake you up when her food is ready."

Taehyung nodded, walking to the kitchen and laying down as gently as possible with the kitten hybrid still nestled in his arms. You smiled, watching them from the doorway as he closed his eyes, soon falling asleep as well.

Feral - Hybrid!Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now