Chapter One-Hundred-And-Two - Pin

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HAPPY 1 MILLION READS!!! I am so blown away by the fact that this story has 1M reads already! When I started this account, I had hoped for a mere tenth of that, and the fact that I got so far makes me so so happy! I love you all so much, and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Updates should be more frequent because school is ending soon, sorry for the three month long hiatus from this book omg. Love you all! <3

You winced as the metal bars of your cage sat stiff against your neck. Your knees were drawn up tight to your chest but you were still too tall for the cage, straining yourself as hard as you could so that the metal wouldn't cut into your skin. Taehyung was right below you, Jungkook beside Taehyung, each asleep (as best they could be.)

But you couldn't sleep, you couldn't rest knowing that if you had just been more careful, if you had just been more sensible, that things never would have turned out like this. You let out a soft sigh, tears dripping down your cheeks and soaking into the cloth of your shirt, stained with dirt and blood. Your head was pounding from being thrown against the steering wheel of the car, but you couldn't get the image of Seokjin, laying bloody and lifeless on the table out of your head. Sure, they'd keep him alive, but not well.

You heard a shuffling noise from the cage beside you and then a gruff voice, "Still awake?"

"Yeah, can't sleep."

"They're not gonna let us sleep all day, you know. You should get it in now." Yoongi muttered, yawning sleepily despite his uncomfortable circumstances.

"Yoongi, I can't just sleep. We're being held captive, this is all my fault, and-"

"Don't. Don't you dare." Yoongi's voice rose and for a moment you were scared that he'd wake the others.

"Don't what Yoongi. It is my fault, I let them go outside by themselves. I got us all in the car to drive to Yugyeom's."

"But Namjoon took Joy to the park, that's where she got taken, and you're not mad at him, are you?"

"Of course not."

"Right, so don't be mad at yourself. That's the last thing we need."

"I know. Thanks Yoongi." You sighed, trying yet again to readjust yourself to fit more comfortably in the cage. While your sleep that night wasn't the best, it was still sleep, and resting was what you needed most at that moment. Besides freedom.


"How could you do something like that?! You're such an idiot, I don't know why I even hired you in the first place! God, now I have to hunt them down again, do you know how much work I put into it? You're lucky I don't put you in a cage." Jennie was practically spitting mad, steam about to come out of her ears at any moment.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry! We sent half of the team to trail them, we'll have them here in no time!"

"You'll have no time if you don't bring them to me by the end of the day, do you hear me?"

The man gulped and nodded, scurrying out of the room to avoid anymore of Jennie's wrath. The woman sighed, throwing her hands up in frustration and letting them crash down to her sides moments later. Taehuyng's ears perked up at a small clinking sound, brows furrowing as something slid across the floor towards them.

"So, for tomorrow, who's going to be my guinea pigs? Well, not all guinea pigs, we only have three guinea pig hybrids." Jennie pointed to a cluster of cages in the corner, full of scared-looking young adults.

No one spoke, leaving Jennie with a scowl on her face.

"Well fine, don't volunteer, but don't think that means you get out of it. I'll just have to choose for you. And you, there, look particularly tempting." Jennie strutted forwards, reaching through the bars of Taehyung's cage and stroking a finger under his chin. He recoiled from the touch, frown slipping onto his face the moment her skin touched his.

"Ah, a little shy? Don't worry, we can fix that."

Jennie stood, dusting herself off slightly from being crouched on the dirty concrete floor.

"Well, I'll see you all tomorrow, I hope you sleep well." Her voice was sickeningly sweet, making your stomach turn with disgust.

Jennie was off the second her words were in the air, slamming the metal door shut behind her and leaving them trapped alone once again.

There was a soft clicking noise and then you heard someone gasp, looking directly under you, through three cages, to see a young snow leopard hybrid with something in her hand.

"Guys, it's a bobby pin! I knew something fell, I just didn't know what it was! We can escape!"

You quickly shushed her, "Don't say that so loud! They could be listening. Here, pass it up to me, and I'll hide it in my hair. They won't notice, and it'll keep it safe until we can get out."

You reached down into Taehyung's cage, taking the bobby pin that was handed to you from the chain of hybrids below you. You stuck the pin deep into your hair, turning to Yoongi to make sure that it wasn't visible by any means.

"And now we wait?"

"And now we wait." Came Namjoon's response, more of a sigh than anything. 

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