Chapter Forty-Seven - Second Mistake

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Your second mistake was assuming that whoever had taken Taehyung was still in your vicinity. You and Jin dropped the hybrids off at home, giving a quick heads up to Yoongi who was still occupied with Hoseok. Jin offered to drive, giving you more time to think things over. You were surprised that you hadn't cried yet, but your hands were shaking, and your heart was pounding. You were numb, still in shock from having the love of your life snatched out from under you. You had no idea how you were going to do it, but you were going to get Taehyung back, whatever it took.

Jin started by driving around the neighborhood, which, now that you looked back on it, was a waste of time. Any hybrid kidnapper would take their prey to their own secluded location, never deal with them out in the open. But you had to try, you had to find him as soon as possible. You called Namjoon on your way out, explaining the situation clearly, as you were sure he's already had the sobbing hybrids come to him and cry about it. Your suspicions were confirmed when you heard whines in the background, you could only imagine how much Namjoon had to put up with. 

He tried to reassure you with comforting words spoken in a calming tone, but your eyes finally filled with tears regardless.

"-And like I was saying Y/N, the police has a lot of hybrid officers, so I'm sure they'll be more attentive to your case."

"I just... Why did they have to take him? W-Why is it that whenever I think I'm happy, whenever I think I've finally found my place, my life seems to finally be going perfect, something new happens, and I'm left lost. I don't know," You paused, choking on a breath before you whispered the end of the sentence, "if I'll ever find him again."

"Y/N, don't say that. Don't think like that. If you think you can't, then you can't. It's only if you give yourself a chance that you'll ever succeed. And you need to succeed on this, you can't afford to lose him. He's your everything, you need him, and he needs you."

Seokjin was pulled over to the side of the road, hands already pulling you into his chest from across the center console. He unfastened your seatbelt, lifting you over the plastic barrier and into his lap. You buried your head in his chest, wetting his t-shirt with your tears as they flowed down your cheeks. His hands rubbed soothing circles on your back, lips next to your ear as he whispered reassurances to you.

"I'll help you find him Y/N, I promise. We all love him, maybe not the same way that you do, but we all love him. I can't even imagine if someone just took Jimin, and we're not dating. I can't imagine the pain that you're going through, but I'm here for you. I know you're scared and I'm sorry but I'm always here for you. We'll ge through this, I promise." He leaned back and kissed your forehead, a chaste reminder that he was your best friend and that he would be there if you needed him to hold you. You peeled yourself away from him, sniffling and pressing a kiss to his cheek in thanks. Your heart healed slightly at the tender smile that he gave you as you crawled back over onto the passenger's seat.


His hands were tied with heavy rope behind his back, pushed and prodded out of the van and into the cellar that he knew all too well. His tail curled in on itself, pressing close to his leg as his nose picked up on the scent of the person he hated most in the world. 

It was though the man was in a mystery movie, as he spun around in the chair with his hands clasped and his face contorted into a smirk.

"Taehyung, you're back. I have to say, I was already livid when I came to that woman's house those few months ago, just imagine what I am now. You've evaded me for too long, hiding in the shadows of other people's kindness. You're kidding yourself if you think anyone's going to love any part of you, you're a filthy animal that people pay to abuse. Speaking of your responsibilities, I was going to torture you first, but a client is waiting. You're going to let her use you nice and good, and if you don't, you'll have hell to pay. You're already in hot water, boiling water, and if you mess up again, you most likely wont make it out alive."

The back of Taehyung's knees were struck and he yelped, falling to the ground. His knees would probably bruise soon, but so would the rest of him from his already rough treatment. He just wanted to be back in your arms, to nestle his nose into the crook of your neck and take in your sweet scent. To feel your lips on the tip of his nose, or even on his own lips. But as he was pushed onto the cell floor, his old cell, and he hit the ground on all fours, he realized that he was far from being home and safe in your arms. He only noticed the second person in his cell when she let out a sultry moan, legs already spread and hand getting her ready for him. 

Tears sprung to his eyes again, remembering that he had very nearly had sex with you once, but you had been so nice and caring and let him back out so that he was comfortable. He knew by one look at the client that she was not going to be as lenient and he screwed his eyes shut, shaking slightly in fear as she began stripping.

"Missed you while you were gone, puppy. No one else is as good as you. You better not leave me again, or else I'll hunt you down. You don't get to escape, you were made for this, this is your life. Suck it up and get used to it puppy."

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