Chapter Thirty - Rescued

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I can't believe this is at thirty chapters, and I'm still planning so much? I'm so happy that you guys enjoy this story!!!

There were no restraints in the van, both hybrids tumbling around in the back portion. Taehyung tried to wrap himself around Jungkook so that the bunny would get hit less, so Jungkook was tucked into a ball while Taehyung enveloped him. It seemed as though the drivers were driving as recklessly as possible, turning as sharp as they could. By the end of the drive, Taehyung had his fair share of cuts and bruises, skin raw from sliding around the van. 

The doors were flung open, each hybrid seized and thrown in cells adjacent to each other. Taehyung scrambled to the side of his cell, hands on the bars as he watched Jungkook stand up and waddle over to meet him. Jungkook reached through the bars of the cell, whimpers giving way to sobs when he wasn't able to fit all the way through the metal to join Taehyung.

"Taetae I wanna be with you! I'm scared, I don't wanna be alone!" Jungkook's little sniffles and cries broke Taehyung's heart, making a few tears fall out of his own eyes as he reached a hand towards his brother. He wiped Jungkook's cheeks, smiling through his tears when Jungkook's head leaned into his hand.

"It will be okay, I promise. Y/N will come, she has to. When someone comes in here I will tell them that we have an owner. Then they will call her." Taehyung hadn't learned many contractions yet, but the words were still just as comforting to the shaking bunny hybrid. Jungkook sniffled again, nodding and sitting down, resting his head on the bars of the cage. His eyes fluttered closed every few seconds but he fought against it, wanting to stay awake in case something happened.

Taehyung managed to convince Jungkook to sleep, his little head resting against two bars, soothed by Taehyung's hand petting his ears. The metal door to the room that they were in flung open, revealing a uniformed officer carrying a bucket full of something.

"Dinner. Eat." The man scooped ladle-fulls of what looked like the inside of a dumpster into the hybrid's cells, pausing only when Taehyung called for him."

"Mister? Jungkookie and I, we have homes. We have an owner. We have to go back home, she is waiting for us."

The man sneered, leaning down to Taehyung's eye-level from the other side of the bars.

"If you have an owner, why don't you have collars? And why were you all alone?"

"We don't have collars, we got these instead." Taehyung brandished his wrist with the little silver bracelet, reaching through the bars to lightly grasp Jungkook's wrist as well and show the man.

The worker groaned, pulling a ring of keys from his pocket. He put one each into both of the cells, sliding the door open and practically growling for them to 'get out and follow me'. 

Taehyung ran inside Jungkook's cell, scooping up the sleeping bunny and cradling him against his chest. It was a wonder that Jungkook was still asleep, but Taehyung was glad that he didn't have to suffer as much. He tread after the man, gesturing to a phone hanging on the wall.

"Call your owner. If they don't pick up, we're legally required to call back later, but we don't really play by the rules here, so you best hope they pick up the phone." The man left the room, slamming the door shut and locking them inside afterwards. Taehyung kept Jungkook balanced on his hip, dialing your cell phone number with the other hand. He held the phone up to his ear, praying that he would get to hear your sweet voice.

"Hello? This is Y/N Y/L/N, may I help you?" You must have thought it was a work call from the greeting, but Taehyung didn't care, he nearly cried at the sound of your voice.

"Y/N? Please, come save us!"

"Taehyung?! What do you mean save you, where are you? Did you leave the house?!"

"Yes, we are so sorry! I was scared, I tried to follow you, but I didn't smell you and then we were lost. And a mean woman called someone, and they took Jungkookie and I! They put us in cages, they hurt us both! But they said that if you didn't answer the phone, that they wouldn't call again. So I think you have to come and get us from this place." He looked around the room, searching for a name or an address, "HyLife Animal and Hybrid Shelter." His words were mispronounced slightly, but you were able to recognize the name of the place and you knew where it was from your work at the shelter.

"I- What did- Why did you leave?!" You didn't mean for it to come out so angry but it did and you heard the soft whimper that came through the phone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh. But you guys might have been taken by someone who didn't let you call me, some people don't care if hybrids have owners, they just take them. Please, please, never leave the house again unless I tell you to."

"Okay, I-I promise! I'm sorry Y/N, please don't be mad at me- please!" His chest was heaving with sobs and he didn't know how to stop them, only knew that it was the fear from the entire day coming and hitting him all at once. It woke Jungkook up, the bunny boy slightly confused as to where he was at first, remembering the day's events soon after. He pried Taehyung's hands away from his eyes, taking the phone into his own hand and speaking to you.

"Y/N? Please come get us from this scary place!"

"Jungkook? I'm already on my way, Yoongi is driving over now. Are you both okay? Taehyung said that you both got hurt?"

"Yeah the mean man threw me into their van and I got a cut but it's okay now, it stopped bleeding."

"They're not allowed to hurt the hybrids, especially ones with owners! Tell the people that I'm on my way, traffic is light so I'll be there soon. You tell them that I demand that you get to sit in their front room, wait there until I get there. Make sure you tell them my name, they've had run ins with me before and I think they'll know that I'm not letting this go."

Jungkook nodded earnestly, handing the phone back to Taehyung.

"Taetae, say goodbye!"

You heard his cries, shushing him through the phone as best you could.

"Taehyung, I'm not mad at you, don't cry honey. Just go out and tell them that I'm on my way, and that I want you to sit in the front room until I'm there. Tell them my name, they'll know that they've already done a lot of things wrong. Take care of your brother until I'm there, okay? I'm not mad, please don't worry about that."

"O-okay. Y/N, thank you."

"Of course, remember, wait in the front room until I'm there. I'll see you in a few minutes, okay?"

"Okay. Bye Y/N, I love you."

"I love you too."

Taehyung shifted Jungkook in his arms, walking over to the door and wiping his face before knocking on the door.

"Mister? Our owner, Y/N, Y/L/N picked up the phone. She is on her way now." He could barely react as the door was ripped open in front of him, a panicked officer staring at him.

"Y/N Y/L/N? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Dammit, I'm gonna lose my job. Come out into our front room, wait for her. I.." The man trailed off, gazing at the dried blood on Jungkook's forehead, "Can I clean off your cuts? She's not gonna like that you got hurt, it's only gonna make things worse for us."

Taehyung shook his head, "No, she can do it. Where do we wait?" He brushed past the officer who quickly lead him into a sitting room. He ran back out after they were seated, the man who had thrown Jungkook in the truck emerging from the door. Taehyung and Jungkook only had to wait a few more minutes, because Yoongi's car pulled into the driveway, and you stepped out, slamming the door.

He could hear a small whispered, 'Oh God', from the officer before you stepped into the room, eyes immediately locking on the man.

"Who hurt my hybrids?"

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