Chapter Thirty-Four - Hospital

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You opened your eyes to the sound of slow even beeps, and the slightly burning smell of cleaning products. You tried reaching your arm up to rub your eyes but you were stopped by a slight tug and you looked down to see an IV in your forearm. Upon further inspection, you were in the closest hospital to the shelter. You used your free hand to lift the hospital gown away from your chest and peer inside of it to see your chest heavily bandaged. You looked to your right to see a curtain, most likely separating the bed next to yours. You reached out, pulling the curtain slightly and nearly crying when you saw Taehyung. 

He looked dead.

The gentle beeps from his own monitor let you know that he was very much alive, but his skin was pale, probably from blood loss. His right leg was elevated, enveloped in a cast and his left wrist was bandaged from wrist to elbow. There seemed to be a chunk taken out of his left ear, the bleeding having stopped and stitches having been put in. His head was turned towards you, eyes delicately closed. There was a scrape on his cheek and a cut over his left eyebrow, but neither looked as thought it would scar. 

You averted your gaze, not wanting to see him like that, at least not when he was asleep. You wanted at least one visible sign that he was alive, not just his monitor.

You looked to your other side and found a small red button. It was labeled, 'push for help'. You pressed it, knowing that a nurse would come in and fill you in. It couldn't have been more than a minute before a woman in scrubs pushed open the door, peering around the room before catching your eye. She smiled warmly, coming over to stand beside your bed.

"How are you feeling Y/N? You and your hybrid have been through quite a lot, it took us a while to figure out if we were even able to help you."

"I'm feeling okay, just tired and my chest hurts, but I guess that's to be expected." Your voice was slightly hoarse from lack of use.

"Yes, just tell us if the pain gets unbearable. You've been out for a few days, I'm glad you finally came to. Your hybrid over there woke up yesterday, nearly had a panic attack. It took three of us to hold him to the bed and your friend out there to talk him down. He's been crying a lot, says he's scared for you."

"My friend?"

"Oh yes, several of your friends and their hybrids have been by to check on you. A man brought you in actually, I think his name was Yoongi. He only left to get his hybrid and then come back, he hasn't left since. Your other friends got here sometime in the night, they also haven't left since. Jimin has been in here as much as possible visiting Taehyung after he woke up, I'm actually surprised he's not in here now. But they're the only names I know, no one else has been around to talk when I'm in."

"Did Yoongi mention what happened? How Taehyung and I got hurt?"

"Well, Yoongi called an ambulance, and rode with you here. The first responders said something about a wolf hybrid attack? The hybrid who did it is sentenced to life in prison, if not death, don't worry."

"What?! It's not his fault! They can't kill him, he doesn't deserve that!"

"Y/N, please calm down. Your condition will worsen if you're too excited. There's nothing that I can do, but you're both scheduled to be out of here in two days, now that you're awake. You can go down to the police station then and sort things out."

You hadn't noticed that Taehyung was awake now, clearly having heard your incredulous shouting. A sharp whine came from his throat and he reached his hand out, pulling the curtains back fully.


"Taehyung! You're okay! Oh god, I was so worried about you!" You reached your hand out, barely being able to grasp Taehyung's hand from your bed. He whimpered, leaning fully into the side of the bed to try and reach you.

"Hold on, please don't stretch, I can move your beds together. But you'll pull the IV's out if you stretch like that, that's the last thing we need."

The nurse walked over to Taehyung's bed, lowering the plastic barrier on the side before rolling it over to yours. She removed the barrier on yours too, pushing them together completely so that it was like one big bed. She also rolled the machines connected to the IV's to the backs of the beds, giving you more wiggle room without having to pull your wires out. 

Taehyung immediately rolled over towards you, wiggling his head into the crook of your neck. You brought your free hand up to his back, running the tips of your fingers softly over his hospital gown. You felt his tears on your neck and noticed that with the way his leg was elevated, he was twisted in a rather uncomfortable looking position. You pushed him back over onto his back, ignoring his sob and grabby hands towards you and rolling into him instead.

He buried his head back into your neck, sniffling into your skin as you pressed little kisses into his scalp. You moved your hand from his back, bringing it up to stroke his unscathed ear between your thumb and your forefinger. You felt him licking your neck, either attempting to scent you after your time apart or just as a comforting gesture, probably the latter. 

"Are you guys okay for now? I'm sure your friends will want to know that you're awake, is it okay if I let them in to see you?"

"Just give us like five minutes, then send them in. Thank you so much." You smiled at the nurse, waiting until the door was shut behind her before turning to Taehyung. You moved your hand to his forehead, pushing his head out of your neck so that you two were face to face. He whimpered and tried to move back before he realized what you were doing, pressing his lips onto yours. You kissed back, dipping your tongue into his mouth. You felt him pressing his forehead against yours, breaking the kiss to nuzzle your nose with his. He sniffled once more, pressing little kisses over your entire face.

"Y/N, I was so scared! They tried to take me, they thought I had hurt you! Yoongi had to explain that that mean wolf attacked you. I was so scared, I thought you were dead! It looked really bad."

You cooed, cupping Taehyung's cheek in your hand.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm glad you got it sorted out. But what happened after I blacked out? I saw you lunge at him, what happened then? You're clearly very badly hurt from it."

"He fought back and I wasn't as strong. He bit my ear! He jumped on me, and my leg bent funny. That's why it has to be in the air. And he scratched my whole arm. It hurt so bad."

"I'm so sorry Taehyung, I would rather have had you be somewhere else, I'm sorry you got involved. But thank you for defending me, even if you did just get hurt from it. I appreciate the gesture." You weren't quite finished but the door flung open and you just barely saw a small figure hurtling themselves towards you before two bunny ears came into view.


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