Chapter Fifty-One - Reunion

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You tugged on the bottom of the short skirt that you were wearing, hem only reaching a quarter of the way up your thigh. Your tube top showcased more of your chest than you liked, and you were absolutely freezing. (If I have any male readers I'm so sorry just ignore the outfit choice and make up your own :) )

Your high heels were getting caught in the cracks of the street as you made your way to the address that was written on the little slip of paper, phone clutched in your other hand. You finally reached the street address, but there was no visible shelter. There was a market, and there was a clothing outlet, but no shelter. You gave someone the slip of paper, a passerby, and said the name of the shelter. They didn't speak, only pointed at the ground beneath the first floor, the market. You then noticed a small side passageway that led to stairs descending to an underground level, so you followed the directions given to you and ended up at the shelter, a dodgy looking place set in low lighting. 

You pushed open the door to the shelter tentatively, hoping that the two men that you had met that day weren't there to recognize you. You had put on an immense load of makeup, using nearly all of the products that you owned. You hoped that it made you look completely different, so that you weren't recognized. You stepped up to the desk, tapping the bell on it gently and waiting for assistance.

"You're new here, aren't you?" You jumped a foot in the air at the voice that sounded from behind you, turning around to face an older man smirking at you. His eyes lowered towards your short skirt and you used all of your self-control to not tug the skirt down more.

"Uhm, yes. This is my first time. Here I mean, not-" You blushed furiously at the unintentional innuendo that you had voiced, getting cut off by his laughter.

"Understood. Well, you don't check in, you just check out. What hybrid are you going for today?"

"Uhm, I wanted to see the one on the website? His picture is up, and I wanted to... to be with him today." You ignored your stuttering, trying to finish your explanation as smoothly as possible.

"Ah yeah, Taehyung. He's in high demand around here, someone's in there with him now. You can either wait here with me, or take someone else. We've got other good options, he's not the only one, I can show you some here if you come with me-"

"NO! I mean, no, I prefer to wait, I came a long way to get here and I want to get what I came for." You weren't lying, the man just didn't know that you weren't after sex, but getting your hybrid back.

"That's fine too, you shouldn't have a long wait. Five minutes at the most. She's wrapping up with him. Make sure his muzzle is on tight when you leave, okay? He won't snap at you, he's got no fight in him. Never has, he's a weak one." You were fuming, not only at their treatment of their prisoners, but the way that they spoke about them too.

"Will do. Thank you sir." You sat down across from him, the chair wobbling on it's legs as you sat. You went on your phone to pass the time, playing dumb games and avoiding texting Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, or Chanyeol, who had given you his number to update him on the plan, about how things were going. You weren't sure if there were security cameras, but if there were, you didn't want to stop when you'd already come so far.

A woman, scantily clad at best walked out of a door to your right, and the man gestured to the door. 

"That's who was with Taehyung, you're up now. The names are printed on the cells, just search 'til you find him. Have a good time." He winked at the last part and you resisted the urge to gag.

You pulled open the heavy iron door, slipping inside and trying to ignore the whimpering and sobs of the other hybrids. The sounds tugged at your heartstrings, but you were here for Taehyung, and you were going to get Taehyung, dammit.

You did what the man had said, searching for Taehyung's name on the cell doors. You found it halfway through the room, trying not to cheer at your success. You pulled open the cell door, taking a step inside and looking around for Taehyung. He was on your side, to the left, laying crumpled on the ground. He was breathing, but barely, and his breaths were shaky. You kneeled down, brushing a hand over his back, but regretting it as his entire body jolted with the surprise.

He cowered into the corner, not bothering to look at you, but that's when his nose kicked in. He caught your sweet scent, peeking one eye open to see someone that really really looked like you, but with a crapton of makeup on. He wasn't fully trusting yet, he wasn't sure if it was really you.

"Taehyung? Baby, it's Y/N, it's me. I came here to rescue you, I'm gonna get you-"

Your soft, reassuring words were cut off with a yelp as he lunged at you, knocking you back onto the cold stone floor. The impact didn't hurt, just shocked you as you laid underneath him. For the first time in days, you saw his bright, smiling face, eyes shining with hope as he looked at you for a moment. He had a hand on either side of your face, but he bent his elbows and crashed himself onto you, catching your lips in a bruising kiss. Your hands came up to tangle themselves in his matted hair, finding the two soft little dog ears and scratching behind both of them.

Happy little whimpers erupted from his chest, his tears falling onto your cheeks as his little button nose snuffled your skin. You giggled when he brushed his face over your cheeks, the feeling being ticklish and euphoric. You kissed his nose, squealing at the onslaught of affection that your nose kiss brought with it. He peppered licks and kisses all over your face, meeting your lips a few more times in his frantic display of affection. You held his face in your hands, cooing at his big boxy smile that he gave you and the way that his tail wagged relentlessly fast behind him.

"Y/N! I'm so glad you're here, I can't believe it! I thought you were never gonna find me, I thought I was stuck here forever, I thought-" You cut him off with a soft kiss to the lips, nuzzling your nose against his after you broke away.

"I'll always be here for you, I love you too much to let you go."

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