Chapter Fifty-Six - Nightmares

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Also sorry for this being a bit short I didn't want to ruin their moment though... :')

You hadn't set any alarms for that next morning, knowing that you'd both be too tired to do anything. But your annoying beeping alarm clock wasn't what woke you up in the middle of the night.

It was Taehyung, his sharp, ragged breaths joined with his choking sobs. He was curled up, cowering in the corner of the room. You barely registered what was going on before you were crouched on the floor, gently tugging at his hands that were clasped around his knees. He flinched away from your touch at first, only letting you move him when you spoke.

"Taehyung, sweetheart, it's okay. You're okay, you're safe here. I'm right here, come here, come sit with me." You tugged him into your lap, letting him cling to you and curl up in your lap. You rubbed a hand down his back, stroking the only little part of his tail that you could see that wasn't tucked under him. He was grasping at your shirt, literally clinging onto you as you sat there, in the complete darkness of your shared bedroom. You stood, making sure to lift him with you, reassuring him that you weren't going anywhere before carrying him over to the light switch and flicking it on. You set him on the bed, standing in between his legs and trying to ignore the slight pain from him grasping you as tight as possible.

His sobs were dying down in volume, but his shoulders still shook with intensity and tears leaked onto your shirt, staining the fabric darker. Your hands rubbed soothing circles on the sides of his face and on the back of his neck, rubbing over the little baby hairs at his nape. The still slightly damp hair was flopping over his ears, slightly trapping them in their tangles so you gently ran your fingers through it, undoing the knots in the strands. His puppy ears were free now, but they stayed flat to his head, twitching slightly as you rubbed them. Each stroke of his ears calmed his cries, his shoulders gradually relaxing and his hands flattening on your back instead of gripping as tightly as they could. 

You moved back after a moment of silence, releasing a series of, 'no!'s when he began panicking again.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm just sitting back. I promise. Do you wanna tell me what's wrong? Or do you wanna just sleep for now?"

"I.. I don't know. I want to stay up longer but I don't want to talk about it, I'm sorry."

"That's okay baby, you don't have to." You smoothed back his hair, leaning in and pressing a kiss to the wrinkles between his brows. You bumped your nose against his temple, nuzzling into his head and feeling him melt underneath you.

"Do you want something to eat? We could go downstairs if you want."

He nodded hesitantly, loosening his arms enough for you to turn around, but latching them back around your waist once you were turned. You waddled out of the room, giggling quietly as he nuzzled his nose below your ear. You felt him tense as you pulled open the door, revealing the darkness of the rest of the house but you reached to your side, flicking on the main light and illuminating the house. 

It was especially difficult to navigate the stairs in your current position, but you cautiously made your way down, grabbing onto the handrails for support. Once you reached the floor, you waddled into the kitchen, flipping on the light and wiggling out of his arms. You sat yourself down on the counter, letting him station himself in between your legs, like you did with him back in the bedroom.

He laid his head on your chest and you only then realized how much he liked to be babied in your relationship. He loved being the little spoon, loved curling himself into you. A bright smile would break out on his face if you ever called him baby, or even just Taehyungie, as long as it was in a singsong voice his tail would wag and his ears would perk.

You were hit with a sudden wave of emotion after this realization, reaching up and holding his head on your chest as you leaned your head down onto his. Your happy tears surfaced as his tail began wagging, beating the fridge as it swung back and forth.

He felt droplets land on his head, looking up at you and letting out a low whine at the sight of your tears. He stood up straight, wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling his head into yours. He brushed his nose across your face, pressing it close and flat to your cheek. 

"What's wrong? Did I do something? I'm sorry if I did, please don't cry!"

You smiled through your tears and cupped his face in your hands, gazing into his eyes.

"I just love you, that's all."

"Why is that sad?"

"It's not! I promise, I'm not sad. I'm really happy, actually. They're happy tears."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I love you Taehyung."

"I love you too Y/N." 

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