Chapter One-Hundred-and-Seven - I Do

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~Long Author's Note that I beg you to read because I love you~ 

Wow. I have a lot to say. First and foremost, thank you all so much. I am crying as I write this, I cannot believe that this is happening. This story means the world to me, and so do all of you. You all have made me so so happy with your neverending support. Even when it took me months to update, even when the chapters were short, even when things got scary or crazy, you stuck with me, and I can't ever thank you enough for that. I hope that the end of this book doesn't mean the end of our journeys together, I will miss you all so much if that's the case. But I understand, all good things must come to an end. I'm going to be honest here, I've kind of drifted away from BTS lately. I've been getting more and more into other groups, but BTS will always have a special place in my heart, as they were my first ever group that I stanned, and also they carry such amazing memories of you all. I will never forget the love and support that you've given me, it has genuinely changed my life so much. Even if you never commented, even if you never voted, even if you never followed me, I know that you're there. And it means the world to me that you are. Thank you. I love you all with all of my heart, and that will never change. I don't mean to freak you out with this, I will still be writing on this account, it's just that this story will most likely always be the most impactful, it was my first, and will also probably be the longest, and it's so special to me because of that. It showed me that I was able to do something and make others happy with it, that I could make people smile by doing something that made me smile too. I love making you all smile, and I hope I never stop. I know a lot of you have said that you're going to miss this story, I am too, but it was time for it to end. I have had several different requests for a sequel, one on Y/N and Taehyung after their marriage, one on Yoongi and Hoseok's origin story as a couple and as a owner/hybrid pairing, how they met, etc (honestly really wanna do that one). Then, for a book several years later that focuses on Joy and Jungkook, and of course, the one-shot book that I promised you all. Requests are open as of now for the one-shot book, and I already kinda have a cover, I think. You can post your requests here, on my wall, or you can message them to me privately. I'm hoping that one-shots will lessen the bitter part of bittersweet, so that I can finish the story and still write in the same universe. Please let me know if you are interested in the sequels mentioned above, it will not hurt my feelings if you are not. I want to write what you want to read. I'm sorry this is so long, I just don't know how to express how grateful I am to you for being here. I love you all so so much, like I said before, even if you're a silent reader, I know you're there, and I love you just the same. And again, I'm going to continue writing on here, this is not goodbye forever, this is just a really really dragged out way of saying thank you to you all. I hope that you all enjoy my other stories when this one is over, if you haven't already read them, because I'd hate to lose you as friends, but I understand if none appeal to you. I'm so honored that this one did, I'm honored to be able to say that you all enjoyed this book, that you kept coming back almost two years after I started writing it. You are the best, please, never forget that I love you with all of my heart. <3 ~ S.Coupsyouintomyarms, Author-nim (it makes me weak when you call me that I get so happy <3)

Author's Note is over, for those of you who don't like sappy stuff :')


You were pretty sure that the kiss was supposed to come after the ceremony, but you weren't complaining. You had to admit, it was hard to keep your hands off of Taehyung too. It was thrilling, you were finally getting married. After all of the ups and downs, all of the highs and lows, you were finally doing it. 

Hoseok seemed just as impatient to get through the ceremony, bouncing in place and swinging his and Yoongi's hands back and forth from where they were knitted tightly together. Yoongi tried to hide his smile, but it was pointless. You could all see him grinning. 

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