Chapter Sixty-Five - The Friend

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(What even is a good chapter name :') I'm running out of ideas for the chapter names my dudes)


"You mean the citizenship thing?" Yugyeom cocked his head to the side and Jackson began gnawing on the rubber ball as he rested against your chest. 

"Yeah, that. I told Y/N, she said it was fine." Namjoon's nonchalant reply made you snort.

"I didn't say it was fine, I never even gave you a real answer. But I'm up to trying. I'm just worried that something will happen, that someone will find out and they'll.. They'll catch you."

"Catch us? Who's gonna catch us?" Jackson removed the ball from his mouth, turning to stare at you with wide, worried eyes. 

"No one Jackson, you're safe now. Don't worry, we'll protect you."

"And Y/N, to answer that, that's why we also get fake adoption papers. That way it looks like we're legally yours."

"Why can't I just adopt you and then let you live in your own place?"

"Because, then I'd be a registered hybrid, I want to have human rights, I want to be able to work for money to support myself and the boys. If I'm actually registered under your name, that means that I won't be able to get a job, or own the house."

You said nothing, merely nodding sadly and frowning.

"I'm just worried, but I don't think that'll ever stop. You're just going to have to be extremely careful with who you make friends with, and who you confide in. Some people won't hesitate to sell you out, I trust you know that."

"I do." Yugyeom nodded sadly.

"Okay, so you're absolutely sure you want to go through with this?"

"Yes. I want a family. My own little family." He glanced down at the baby in his lap who was watching his own tail flick back and forth with shining eyes. A smile came over Yugyeom's face and he hugged Jinyoung, scratching behind one of his little ears, much to the delight of the kitten.

"Okay, I'll have my friend come over today after lunch, does that sound good?"

"Yeah, that's fine, thank you Namjoon, and thank you Y/N, really. From the bottom of my heart, thank you."

You smiled at Yugyeom, ruffling Jackson's hair as he sat in your lap.

"I'm not even doing anything, but of course, you deserve human rights and I'm glad there's a way that we can help you get them."

Jackson twisted in your lap, gripping the red ball in his hands.

"What are we talking about? I'm confused, why isn't anyone saying what we're actually doing? It sounds like you're talking in code." He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest and sticking his bottom lip out. You laughed, rocking him slightly side to side. 

"It's nothing Jackson, don't worry about it. We'll tell you everything if we end up doing it. It might not go right, so we're not gonna get your hopes up. But you'll know eventually, don't worry."

He nodded, haphazardly wiping the ball off on his shirt before brandishing it before you.

"Will you play with me? Yugyeom throws the ball across the room and it's far enough for me, and I promise I'll be careful!"

"Sure, just watch the crib over there, I don't want you getting hurt."

The puppy nodded, probably not even registering what you had to say before staring at you expectantly. You tossed the ball across the room, smiling as he launched himself after it and caught it. He came running back to you, nearly crashing into you before screeching to a halt just before and holding out the ball for you to take. You repeated the process for at least twenty minutes, making causal conversation with Yugyeom and Namjoon. Jackson finally came back towards you, plopping back down into your lap instead of asking you to continue. You ran your hands through the puppy's hair, cooing as he melted into your embrace, eyes fluttering closed. 

Jinyoung began to fuss, eyes filling with tears that streaked down his face as he wailed. You shushed Jackson, who had stirred at the sounds, and watched as Yugyeom calmed the baby down. He bounced him lightly, patting his back as he walked slowly around the small bedroom. The bunny walked over to the mirror, pointing at it and letting Jinyoung see his own reflection.

"Look, there's a baby! But he looks so sad, why is he sad?" Yugyeom cooed to the kitten in his arms who reached out for his own reflection. You felt a dull pain in your neck, right where your mark was. You supposed it had been too long since you'd seen Taehyung, so you lifted Jackson, setting him on the bed and tucking him in.

"I have to go check on Taehyung, but I'm glad we worked this out. I'm so happy for you, I really hope everything goes well."

Yugyeom nodded, thanking you once more. He hugged you, squeezing you tight and turning Jinyoung to face you before you left. You smiled at the baby, reaching out to rub his ears before exiting the room, making your way back downstairs. 

You found Taehyung on the couch, one hand over his chest, breathing heavily. Jimin was side-eyeing him wearily as he struggled to breathe, but as you got closer and closer he seemed to not be in as much pain.

"Taehyung? You okay baby?" You sat down next to him, laying a hand on his shoulder as his breathing evened.

"Yes. It's just, it's hurts when you leave for too long. And, since you didn't technically mark me, the pain is all in my chest, right here." He pointed to the left side, the place where you knew his heart was.

"My mark was hurting upstairs, not too bad though, why is yours worse?"

"Because I'm a hybrid, you're a human. We feel things stronger than you. But I'm better now."

You nodded, wrapping your arm around him from where you sat and kissing the side of his head. Jungkook slid off of his place on the sofa, coming over and crawling onto your lap. He laid against your chest, getting cozy as he watched cartoons. You felt a lump in your throat as you observed the three of you, sitting together like a real family. 

The moment was interrupted by the doorbell, and you reluctantly rose to greet whoever was at the door. You remembered that Namjoon's friend was going to come over, but you thought he was coming after lunch. Though, when you heard Namjoon call from upstairs, "It's my friend!" You opened the door, eyes widening and jaw dropping at the man standing behind it.


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