Chapter Ninety-Two - Lazy Mornings

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(This part isn't including Y/N, Taehyung, or anyone else from their house, just this section is taking place at Yugyeom's new place and will focus on the kids and integrating BamBam into their home and family. Some more needed to be written for them so it's just them for right now.)


Little feet pattered their way down the hall and into Yugyeom's dark room. Two sets in fact, and two chubby hands clasped together as they raced into the bunny's room. It was around two in the morning, but that's all Jackson knew. He knew that the first number was the hour, but he didn't know what the three and the five after the two little dots meant. Either way, it was late. The hyper pitbull puppy hybrid wriggled his way onto Yugyeom's bed, helping BamBam up as well.

Both pups had been sent to bed in their own rooms hours ago, tucked in and given goodnight kisses on their foreheads. However, Jackson awoke to the sounds of BamBam's cries, worriedly crawling over onto the doberman's side of the mattress they were on, poking and prodding at him until his bright eyes shone with fear in the darkness.

"I'll wake 'im up. I know how." Jackson declared, a proud smile on his face, though no BamBam couldn't see for the dark filling the room. Jackson began by gently tapping Yugyeom's cheeks, squishing them between his chubby fingers.

"Yugyeom... Yugyeom! Wake up!" The puppy was bad at whispering, but what could he say, he never really needed to be quiet! Yugyeom's eyes blinked open confusedly, taking a moment to realize what was going on and where he was.

"Oh! Jackson! What happened, what are you doing in here?"

"BamBam had a nightmare. He's on the bed too, down there."

Jackson pointed a pudgy finger at the pouting doberman hybrid and Yugyeom reached out, holding his arms open for the distressed puppy.

"C'mere BamBam. It's okay, you're okay."

BamBam let out a muffled whimper, shuffling forwards in the bed to slump pitifully in Yugyeom's arms. The poor pup was shaking, sniffling and nestling his head into Yugyeom's sleep shirt.

Yugyeom peered up at Jackson to see a sad frown on his face, probably from being so excluded so the bunny held open his other arm and grunted when Jackson flung himself into his chest. Yugyeom could feel Jackson's little tail wagging and whacking his thigh each time it went back and forth. He ran his hands over both of their sets of furry ears, tangling his fingers in each of their soft bedheads. He felt BamBam relax against his chest, succumbing to sleep and petting, while Jackson began sucking his thumb, drifting off while his other hand clutched tightly onto Yugyeom's shirt.


The sound of a crying baby woke Yugyeom at only seven in the morning, the bunny boy reluctantly forcing his eyes open and trekking down the hall to Jinyoung's room. The kitten stop wailing when Yugyeom walked in, sniffling and fussing, reaching out with grabby hands for Yugyeom. The bunny boy smiled at the little kitty, reaching into the crib and carefully lifting Jinyoung out. The kitten instantly reached for one of Yugyeom's ears, suckling on the end and although Yugyeom should have gotten him a teething toy, he just let it slide as some of the raw wounds had healed. 

He didn't hear any noise from the other bedroom, taking that as a good sign and lowering himself to sit on the carpet of Jinyoung's room. He grabbed a quiet toy, a small matchbox car and rolled the car over Jinyoung's legs, making engine noises while the car drove over Jinyoung's head. The kitten giggled, reaching for the car that Yugyeom had balanced there. He was able to reach it, immediately popping it into his mouth and gnawing on it. Yugyeom sighed, laughing at the baby and reaching over into his diaper bag to retrieve a teething ring. 

He traded the tiny kitty for it, tossing the car behind him and scooping up the kitten. A shriek of delight rang through the room and Jinyoung giggled when Yugyeom began blowing raspberries on his clothed tummy. The baby's giggles woke up BamBam who toddled into the room, rubbing at his eyes and peering around the doorframe.

"Morning BamBam! How did you sleep, once you were in my bed?"

"Good! Jackson is warm, I like sleeping next to him." An adorable grin was on the doberman hybrid's face as he padded over to Yugyeom, reaching out tentatively to run a hand over Jinyoung's fuzzy head. The baby only had a thin layer of hair, peach fuzz as Yugyeom called it. Jinyoung's cat ears twitched and he leaned into the pets he was receiving, nearly falling out of Yugyeom's lap from how far he was leaning to the side.

The final set of feet in the apartment made their way down the hall and into the kitty's room, Jackson smiling sleepily at Yugyeom and running over to sit on his knee. Yugyeom shifted Jinyoung out of his lap, letting BamBam continue petting him and Jackson happily sat in the newly vacant space.

The pitbull puppy leaned back into Yugyeom's chest, letting his ears perk up so that they brushed against Yugyeom's chin. The bunny boy laughed, giving in and stroking a gentle hand over the furry ears, smiling when Jackson's tail began wagging against his chest.

BamBam was sprawled out on the floor, patiently letting Jinyoung tug, chew on, and bat at his ears and tail, giggling when the baby began playing with his face. Yugyeom looked down at the scene, glancing down at Jackson who was already half asleep again in his lap, and realized that, even if it wasn't official, even if it wasn't stated on a piece of paper, this was his family, and he wouldn't trade it for the world.

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