Chapter Forty-Five - New Beginnings

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Taehyung and Jimin were both waiting for you at the gate, tails wagging and ears perked. But when they saw the little bundle in your arms and the puppy beside you, holding two of your fingers in his little hand and their ball in the other, they calmed down, becoming curious. You felt Jackson's tail wagging, slapping against your leg every so often as it swung wildly behind him. Jinyoung was still transfixed with your hair and face, trying to poke one of his tiny fingers into your mouth while the other hand was wrapped around a strand of your hair.

It was Jimin who first approached you, plopping himself on the ground when Jackson hid behind your legs slightly. You weren't sure why he was being shy all of a sudden, but you realized that you had been crouched down when he had approached you, so you didn't look as tall. He was probably just intimidated by height.

Taehyung was close to follow, sitting cross-legged slightly behind and next to Jimin. You reached down, ruffling Jackson's hair as he hugged your thigh. The pitbull hybrid edged around your leg, still pressing most of his body against you. He now stood in front of the two hybrids on the ground, both of which were smiling softly at him.

"Guys, this is Jackson, he's a pitbull hybrid, and most likely around Kookie's age. Jackson, this is Taehyung, my golden retriever hybrid, and Jimin, my friend's corgi hybrid." You gestured to each of the boys respectively and they exchanged more smiles.

"I was looking around for our ball and Jackson brought it to me.He's unfortunately out of a home right now, and I was gonna let him live with us for the next few days, until we either find a good owner, or find them a room and good care at the shelter." The baby in your arms cooed, pulling your face towards his and opening his mouth, pressing it against your chin in his little baby version of a kiss. You giggled, pressing a kiss to each of Jinyoung's ears at his actions.

"This is Jinyoung, he was adopted by the same owner that Jackson was. He's a kitten, but I don't know what kind."

The two hybrids before you nodded, beginning to get up. Jimin offered Jackson a hand, smiling at him so that his eyes became little crescents.

"Do you wanna throw the ball with us? We can take turns throwing and chasing, if you want." Jackson nodded fervently, taking Jimin's hand in his own. The three dog hybrids raced off together, Taehyung grasping Jackson's other hand as they fought over who was throwing the ball first.

You smiled at the trio, turning back to the baby in your arms who was currently examining his hands as if they were foreign creatures. You hummed, pressing another kiss to the side of is head and setting off towards Seokjin who was still on his phone. He looked up as he heard your footsteps approach, doing a double take at the child in your arms. 

You smiled sheepishly as you sat down on the bench next to him, "This is Jinyoung, and his sort of brother, Jackson, who's over there playing with Taehyung and Jimin. They're strays, I found them, or, they found me over there by the bushes, I had lost the ball we were playing with."

"Christ Y/N, if you keep finding hybrids like this our house is gonna be bursting at the seams, and we've just moved in."

You blushed, ducking your head and pressing your forehead against Jinyoung's to hide your burning cheeks. His tail came and curled around your wrist, the one that was wrapped around his back, keeping him on your lap.

Seokjin cooed, reaching over and brushing his fingers over Jinyoung's tummy. The kitten giggled, squirming in your grip to try and escape the ticklish feeling. Jin laughed, bringing his other hand up to grab the baby's side and lift him out of your lap and into his. Jinyoung didn't like this, babbling in protest and reaching out for you again, brows furrowed.

Jin scoffed, pretending to be offended by the kitten's interest in you before wrapping him up in his arms and peppering little kisses all over his face. This elicited more giggles from Jinyoung, who placed his hands on either side of Seokjin's face. Jin ended with a single kiss to the baby's nose, sitting back on the bench and smiling at Jungkook and Joy, both of which had come over to see what all the giggles were about. Jungkook hoisted himself up onto your lap, blinking in confusion at the new hybrid that was smiling toothlessly back at him. Joy crawled up onto the bench, standing next to you and resting her chin on your head as she offered the baby a small smile. You smiled as Jinyoung reached for Jungkook's bunny ear, tugging gently on the floppy, fuzzy appendage. 

"This is Jinyoung, and Jackson is over there. He's around your age, you two. I think you'll like him. He's a pitbull puppy hybrid, he's very sweet. And Jinyoung is a kitten, if you couldn't tell." You introduced the two new faces, suppressing a giggle at the way Joy brightened up, happy to have another cat in their presence.

"Y/N! Can I hold him please? He's so cute!" Joy's sweet voice reached your ears and you nodded, taking the smiling baby and setting him tentatively on Joy's lap. She held him well, one hand behind his back and the other brushing over the little ears protruding from his head. Jungkook gasped and his ears straightened, you looked to see the three dog hybrids tumbling towards you, seemingly in a race to see who could get there first. The older boys let Jackson win, Taehyung hoisting him onto his shoulders to celebrate the victory. The puppy face planted in Taehyung's hair, exhausted from the games and fun of the day. Jackson's head popped up a second later, nose scrunching a bit as he recognized new scents. He met eyes with Jungkook who offered him a toothy grin, bunny teeth on full display. Taehyung lifted Jackson off of his shoulders, setting him on the bench next to Jungkook. 

Your dog hybrid then turned to you, shooting you a grin before flopping down on top of you, crushing you on the bench and covering you completely. You squealed, laughing when Taehyung turned around, now straddling your lap. He leaned down, pecking your lips before resting his head in your neck, closing his eyes and inhaling your sweet scent. You suppressed a giggle at the shouts of protest that came from the younger kids (and Jimin) at your PDA and instead closed your eyes as well, a small smile settling on your face as you relaxed in the arms of the one you loved.

(I'm warning you, I've planned some angsty angst angst for the next few chapters, but like I'd never leave unresolved angst, so don't be too scared loves :)  )

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