Chapter One-Hundred-and-Four - The Great Escape Part 2

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(I couldn't come up with a better title I'm so sorry gjndakjfnadf)

You worked as fast as you could, jamming the key into every lock that laid on each hybrid's cage and breaking them free from their prisons. Several had trouble walking and you felt your heart ache for the poor things, knowing that they'd probably broken ankles, toes, and legs being squeezed in those cages for that long. 

One of the hybrids, a lion if the frizzy golden hair and flickering golden ears were any sort of sign, leapt out the moment you opened the cage, though he fell with a shout onto the ground. His legs seemed to have buckled out from under him, bruised and probably broken.

"Here. I'll help you." You reached down, gripping the man under his arms and heaving him back upright. You helped him sit on a table near the entrance to the room, keeping his weight off of his feet for the time being. 

"Thank you. You're a," He hesitated, eyes flicking up to the crown of your head to be sure that he saw no ears, then down to be sure that there was no visible tail, "You're a human?"

"Yes." You nodded, making sure that he was secure on the desk and reaching for the next lock on a nearby cage to unlock in the meantime.

"I see. Thank you." He gave you a soft smile and you nodded, once again having to help a hybrid out of their cage. The hybrid, she looked as though she was a lynx hybrid from the tufted ears, was clutching her side, a swift slit up her side was apparently prohibiting her from moving freely. You escorted her to the table beside the lion hybrid, peering quickly at her wound to ensure that it wasn't infected. It looked fresh.

You finally got over to the side of the room that you had been on, reaching down to unlock Taehyung's cage first. He sprung out, arms snaking around your sides and head landing on your shoulder. You felt tears sting at your eyes, squeezing him back just as tight as you stood for a moment, swaying slightly back and forth in the room. You felt him turn his head slightly and heard him whisper in your ear, the first time you'd heard him speak in days.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. I was the one who let you go out without-"

"It's okay. I shouldn't have asked. I should have known better."

"Taehyung," You pulled back, cupping his cheeks in your hands, "It's not your fault. It's okay, we're free now. We're safe, and we'll learn from our mistakes."

He nodded, leaning forwards again to press his forehead against yours, "Can we get married soon? I don't want to lose you again. Before you got here I was so worried that I'd never get to marry you, and then when you did get here I realized that we might not have made it out alive. I don't ever want that to happen again."

You said nothing, not trusting your voice to stay strong in a reply. Instead you nodded, heart aching for the commitment and security that your wedding would bring you.

"Okay. You go help them," You pointed to the hybrids that you'd already freed, knowing that support from a fellow hybrid would probably make them feel more secure than your promises, "And I'm gonna keep unlocking cages. If anyone hears anyone coming, tell me right away. Okay?"

Taehyung nodded, racing off to the other side of the room and striking up conversation with various hybrids, checking what injuries they had and who could do what in terms of mobility. 

You turned back to the wall of cages, reaching for Jungkook's lock next. Your hands shook as you tried turning the key in the lock, but you finally managed to steel yourself, tearing the lock off of the cage when it popped open and embracing the bunny boy. Jungkook sobbed into your shoulder, little arms wrapped around your shoulders as his legs went to curl around your waist. You bounced him up and down lightly, cooing reassurances into his ear and running your hands through his hair. You shifted him to one side of your body, holding him tight to your hip and unlocking Namjoon's cage next. When the man was free you gave him a brief, but tight, hug, handing him the key so that he could unlock Joy's cage for himself.

He wasted no time in freeing the young cat hybrid, holding her just as you held Jungkook, mumbling apology after apology for what had happened. You took the key back, unlocking Yoongi's cage and letting him take over the process, taking Jungkook over to where Taehyung stood with a group of other hybrids.

Taehyung gladly took the bunny hybrid, tears running down his cheeks as he apologized for how they'd gotten kidnapped. Jungkook only gripped Taehyung's shirt tighter in his tiny little fists, holding onto Taehyung as tight as he could.

You felt someone tug on your hand and you turned to see Jimin, eyes red and cheeks blotchy as he dove in for a hug. You cooed, knowing how awful it must have been for the corgi hybrid to see Seokjin in the state that he was in after the crash.

"Y/N, he's dead, he's dead, I saw him die, he's dead-"

"No, Jimin," You cut off the corgi's blubbering, "He's going to be okay, they kept him stable, he's gonna be fine. We'll find him, he's in a different room because they wanted to fix him back up, he's not dead."

Jimin was shaking in your arms as you explained the situation, slowing in his sobs and reaching up to wipe the tears from his cheeks.

"Are you sure? He looked dead-"

"I'm sure. Seokjin is going to be fine. Come with me, okay?" You grabbed Jimin's hand, leading him over to Namjoon and Joy. 

"Namjoon, can I talk to you for a second?" 

Namjoon nodded, handing Joy over to Jimin who was glad to have someone equally as open to hugs to be around. Namjoon followed you over to an empty row of cages, away from the large crowd of hybrids that had been freed.

"Namjoon, this was the easy part. How are we going to get out?"

"What do you mean?" Namjoon's face darkened at your words, his body stiffening.

"There's so many guards in this building. Will we be able to fight them all?"

"Ah, leave that to me." Chanyeol cut in, "My team is on its way. We'll have hundreds of men outside the building in a few minutes. They'll take care of the guards."

"Thank you Chanyeol, you," You thought for a moment, unable to express the intense gratitude you had for the hybrid standing before you, "You're the only reason we're all still alive."

Chanyeol smiled, hugging you tightly, "That's my job. Once this is all over, we'll have data on hundreds of other trafficking rings, just like this one, because she was selling them to these rings. We have the power to overturn them all." He beamed proudly, eyes full of hope for thousands of hybrids about to be freed. Chanyeol moved to help a tiger hybrid that was struggling to stay upright, lifting her onto a low standing cage and inspecting the wound that she was sporting. 

Namjoon turned to you, "Hey, did you mean what you said earlier?"


"When Taehyung asked to get married soon. Did you mean it?"

"Of course." You nodded, lips automatically twisting up into a smile at the thought.

Namjoon said nothing, only smiling at your words, knowing full well that when Taehyung said soon, he definitely meant tomorrow. But you'd deal with that when it happened. For now, your main focus was to get everyone out safely, and to find Seokjin. Hopefully, what you'd said to Jimin was true. You didn't know what you'd do if Seokjin was dead. 

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