Chapter Sixty-Six - Signatures

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Spooky spook spook


Suho's eyes widened slightly as he saw that it was you who had opened the door.

"Oh, hi Y/N! I was just here to uhm, I was-"

"I know why you're here! You're Namjoon's friend, right? Junmyeon?"

He gulped at the alternate name and sighed.

"That's my real name. I've been using Suho at the shelter so that no one can trace me back to this business. It's not exactly honorable, you know. You're not gonna.. You're not gonna report me, are you?"

You shook your head and sighed, "No, of course not. But why couldn't you have told me earlier? You know I want to stand up for hybrids, and though it's illegal to fake these papers, I think that the laws in place that make it so that hybrids can't be citizens are even worse from a moral standpoint. Come in, before someone gets worried, the neighbors might think it's weird that we're just standing here."

You stepped to the side to let Suho, or rather, Junmyeon in, and he tentatively came into the house. He kicked his shoes off in the doorway, setting them to the side of the door. Jungkook rose from the sofa, running over and hugging Junmyeon around the waist. He smiled, lifting the bunny hybrid that he'd come to know from his short time at the shelter and hugging him properly.

Junmyeon had come into the shelter about a month before you had taken Jungkook home, so the two had gotten relatively familiar.

"We rode together to the hospital when you and Taehyung were attacked. Yoongi went in the ambulance, but I didn't want Jungkook to see you guys all beaten up. I took him in my car and we talked a lot on the way there, so we know each other pretty well now." Junmyeon offered an explanation for Jungkook's affectionate greeting and you smiled. 

"Thank you Su-er, Junmyeon." You breathed out a laugh at the awkwardness of the name change and he did the same, setting Jungkook down again.

You heard multiple pairs of feet stomping down the stairs and you turned to see Namjoon and Yugyeom, the latter with Jinyoung secure in his arms, head bouncing at the motions of descending the stairs.

Junmyeon smiled at their entrance and you pointed to the table.

"Feel free to set things up there, I'm not sure if you guys need me at all, but if you do, I'll be in the living room. Here, I can take the baby." You held your arms out for Jinyoung who reached for you with a toothless smile. You lifted the baby into your arms, kissing his forehead and smiling as he rubbed his face on your shoulder. The jacket that you had on was very soft, and you assumed Jinyoung's kitten instincts were happy for that. The men nodded, trekking over to the table and sitting down. You were glad that you had cleared the breakfast dishes before Junmyeon had arrived, he seemed to have papers to spread out. 

You took Jinyoung into the living room, plopping down on the couch and turning him to face you. Taehyung was still in his same spot from before, and you had seated yourself right next to him. The kitten in your arms furrowed his brows as he looked at the dog hybrid, reaching out and trying to grasp Taehyung's dog ears.

Taehyung smiled wide, leaning down so that his floppy ears were in reach of the baby. You took hold of Jinyoung's hand and made sure that he wasn't too rough on the furry appendages, knowing that they would be incredibly sensitive. You guided Jinyoung's hand into stroking through Taehyung's fur, branching off and letting him feel how soft his freshly washed hair was as well. Jinyoung did try to eat one of Taehyung's ears, but other than that, he was perfect, gently running his little hands over the fur.

Taehyung sat upright suddenly, pulling the baby's hands out of his hair. He reached for the kitten instead, smiling at him as you handed him over. Jinyoung squealed, reaching for Taehyung's face and framing it with his chubby baby hands. The baby leaned forwards, mouth open and pressed a baby kiss to Taehyung's cheek, one that had him melting over the little kitty and hugging him tight.

You heard a call of your name from the kitchen and you looked at Taehyung.

"Are you gonna be okay with Jinyoung if I leave for a bit? I've gotta talk to them about this citizenship thing."

Taehyung nodded vigorously and waved goodbye, taking one of Jinyoung's hands and making it wave to you too. You giggled, waving back and blowing them both a kiss before turning and making your way into the kitchen. You took a seat at the table, regarding the men with a raised eyebrow.

"What's going on?"

"We need you to sign these fake adoption forms. It will show that Yugyeom, Jackson, and Jinyoung are your hybrids, even though they aren't. And, we figured out, Yugyeom doesn't have to take a citizenship test at all. We can fake the final forms, ones that state that he's already been tested and that he's done with the process. That decreases the risk of someone finding out about him being a hybrid by a lot, this way he's not hiding it in the testing room."

You nodded, humming along with their plan.

"That sounds good, I was worried about the test. And where do I sign?"

Junmyeon pointed to three dashed lines on three different forms and handed you a pen. You skimmed them quickly, making sure that, though you trusted Suho, you weren't ever aware that he was hiding his real identity from you. But the forms checked out and you scrawled your signature on each of them, regrouping them and handing them back to Junmyeon.

"Thanks Y/N, really. I really appreciate you doing this for me." Yugyeom smiled, grabbing your hand and holding it between both of his. 

"Of course, you're like family to us now. And you helped Taehyung when he was.. when he was taken, so we already owe you so much."

You excused yourself, walking back into the living room to see Taehyung sprawled out on the floor, Jinyoung sitting on his tummy. Right as you stepped over the threshold, Taehyung lunged forwards, catching the baby before he fell and smothering him in kisses. The giggles that emitted from the kitten made your heart grow and Taehyung turned to look at you.

"Y/N, please please please please, can we have one of our own?"

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