Chapter Fifteen - Moving Van

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Finding Nemo was much darker than you remembered as a child and you were thankful for Namjoon and Seokjin's shoulders to cry on. You could tell that each one of the hybrids across the couch from you was also shedding tears, Joy unabashedly doing so. It was adorable to watch each of the boys try to comfort her even though they were crying too. 

At the point in the movie where Nemo looks as if he's going to die, Joy slid down from the couch, running over to Namjoon and climbing onto his lap instead. She wrapped her small arms around his waist and hid her face in his chest, scared for poor Nemo's fate.

Namjoon rubbed her back, quietly reassuring her that he was going to be okay and you looked over to the remaining two hybrids. Taehyung was already looking at you, eyes misted over with unshed tears. You held out your arms, letting out a slight, 'oof', when he lunged at you, colliding with you and settling into your lap. Jimin moved quickly after, cuddling into Seokjin's side and taking a fistful of popcorn.

Your movie was suddenly interrupted by shouts coming from outside. You paused the movie, brows furrowing as you picked up the words, 'filthy creature', and , 'don't touch him!'.

Seokjin untangled himself from Jimin's hold, making his way over to the window. He peered out, not being able to make anything out in the darkness. You and Namjoon followed suit, instructing the hybrids to stay put. You three opened the door, stepping outside to see two men, one resting on the other's lap. He seemed to be a dog hybrid, although his fluffy tail was tucked under him instead of wagging. His ears lay flat on his head, covered in a light gray fur. 

The man holding him was seemingly calming him down, rubbing a gentle hand on his back and whispering in his ear. The hybrid's face was tucked into his shoulder, little whimpers coming out every once in a while. They were sitting on the asphalt, hybrid appearing to be much taller than the man that he was with even though he was sitting on his lap. There was an open moving van next to them, looking like it was completely abandoned. There was still furniture inside, but no movers around.

You stepped forwards slowly, approaching the pair.

"Are you guys okay? What happened?"

Both men jolted at your voice, hybrid shrinking into his companion. You held up your hands, showing that you would be of no harm.

"I won't hurt you, I promise, I have a hybrid myself. And I don't mistreat him, I swear. But is everything okay?"

The man nodded, scratching lightly at the base of his hybrid's ears.

"He was waiting behind the movers to help them unload and one of them turned around and bumped into him. They were mad that it happened but instead of taking ownership for knocking into him they shoved him to the ground and left. Called him some not so nice names for being a hybrid. People can be so cruel."

You heard Namjoon and Seokjin behind you expressing their disgust at the movers and you added your own remarks.

"I'm so sorry that that happened to you. Are you moving into that house there?"

You pointed to one of the empty houses in your culdesac and the man nodded, lifting the hybrid up and standing with him.

"I'm Yoongi, this is Hoseok, my husky hybrid. I guess we're neighbors now. I wish we could have met better."

You nodded, introducing yourself.

"I'm Y/N, and these are my friends, Namjoon and Seokjin."

You pointed to each of the boys behind you and they smiled, shaking hands with the pair.

"Well if you want, we can help you finish moving in. We have a movie playing in there and Hoseok can go and watch, our three hybrids are watching. Namjoon, Seokjin, and I can help you finish."

Yoongi smiled and nodded appreciatively.

"That would be really nice, thank you so much Y/N. Hoseok, do you wanna go and watch the movie with the other hybrids?"

The husky hybrid turned to look at you, a small smile on his face.

"What kinds of hybrids?"

"Two dog hybrids and a cat."

His smile grew, practically lighting up the dark driveway as he beamed.

"I'd love to. Thank you so much!"

You nodded, leading everyone back inside. Taehyung, Jimin, and Joy were watching you, waiting to hear what all the commotion was about. Taehyung began growling at the presence of two strange males, but quieted down after a look was thrown his way by you.

"Guys, these are out new neighbors."

Each introduced themselves, Hoseok earning a few excited tail wags when he announced that he was a husky hybrid. He was quickly accepted, invited to join the cuddle pile on the couch. He gladly joined, practically melting when Joy curled up against him. You waited until everyone was settled before telling them where you were all going, locking the door behind you as you left.

You and Yoongi walked in front, Namjoon and Seokjin bringing up the rear as you walked to Yoongi's new house.

"Are you in a relationship with Taehyung?"

You nearly choked at the blunt question, waving off the apologies that Yoongi followed up with.

"Yeah, I am."

"I could tell. I'm with Hoseok, you can just sorta tell."

You nodded, already having suspected that they were together.

You made your way to the truck, hauling chair after chair, box after box into the house until the entire truck was empty. The boxes still needed unpacking and the some of the furniture wasn't assembled, but it was all there. You thought for a moment, biting your lip as you contemplated whether or not to invite them to stay the night. They had no bed, only a few blankets and pillows as the mattress hadn't arrived yet. You didn't want them to sleep on the unfurnished floor, so you turned to Yoongi.

"Would you two like to stay the night at my house? I'm pretty sure everyone else is staying too, it's already pretty late and I've got a few guest bedrooms. I wouldn't mind at all, I'd rather you sleep comfortably until you can get a bed set up.

Yoongi seemed stunned staring at you.

"Are you sure? You've already done so much to help, I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome the day I meet you."

You laughed, waving off his protests.

"Really, I insist. I'm sure that Hoseok would enjoy more time with his new friends anyways, it'll be good for everyone."

"In that case, we'd love to stay. Thank you so much Y/N, for everything, really."

"Of course! I'm more than happy to help. Let's lock up here and make our way back okay? We can watch another movie and then sleep."

Yoongi nodded, taking the keys from his pocket and locking the door behind him. You made your way back to your house, coming inside to find all four hybrids asleep snuggled into each other.

Yoongi laughed, seeing how Hoseok had an arm or a leg wrapped around everyone."

"He's quite the cuddler."

"Well, I'd hate to break that up. We can just sleep here or I have guest rooms upstairs, which one do you prefer?"

Yoongi thought for a moment, "Can we just sleep here? It'll be warm, that's for sure."

You laughed, handing one blanket to each of the three others.

"Of course! Alright, well, let's sleep now then."

Everyone nodded, crawling into the mass of blankets and hybrids. And that's how you fell asleep, wrapped in Taehyung's arms, god knows who's tail wrapped around your leg, and a blanket over you.

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