Chapter Twenty - Cat Cafe

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You stared down at Taehyung, seeing unshed tears still wetting his eyes. You brushed each of your thumbs under his eyes, collecting the still-present wetness. His eyelashes fluttered as you wiped away his tears, eyes closing. He hummed, leaning into your touch and you slid your fingers down, cupping his cheeks with your hands.

"How about we cuddle for a while? It's not quite time for grocery shopping yet, and I think we could both use a little cool down time before we go out and run errands."

His head popped up, eyes wide and smile growing.

"We? I come with?"

"Yeah, I thought that maybe it was time to reintroduce you into the world. You can come with my grocery shopping and then we can go to one place of your choice. If you see somewhere that looks good while we're shopping or driving, just tell me, okay?"

He nodded vigorously, holding up his arm which bore the little silver bracelet.

"I can go!"

"That's right, you can! I'm so happy, I finally have someone else to shop with!"

He smiled, getting off of you and offering you a hand. You took it, hoisting yourself off of the ground and leading him to the couch. You laid down first, knowing that Taehyung really was nothing more than a big baby, a big baby who just wanted to be loved and held. He followed after you, eagerly getting on top of you before burying his face into your neck. 

Taehyung rubbed his face in your neck and his head and ears along your jaw as you cuddled, not so subtly scent-marking you when he licked at your neck. You supposed that it was him trying to ground himself before you went out, him making sure that everyone else knew you were his. 

His ministrations continued, ears tickling your face and nose as they rubbed against your face. You reached up, taking the tip of one fuzzy ear inbetween your fingers and rubbing it. He stopped, head still in your neck and breath fanning over your chest. You moved your hand further downwards, running your hands through his hair while the other one came back up to resume rubbing his ears. He began a funny sort of purring noise, you supposed rumbling was the correct term for dogs as he layed his head on your chest, face turned sideways and cheek squished against your collarbones.

"Y/N?" His deep voice was music to your ears and you hummed in response.

"I love you."

"I love you too Taehyungie." He let out a happy little whimper at the nickname, smile breaking out across his face. You had tried not to call him anything other than his name so far, not knowing what sort of nicknames he had been called by his 'clients' or the sex-crazed masters that he had last been owned by. You didn't want to trigger something in him so you refrained from nicknames but 'Taehyungie' had just slipped out. But it seemed that he enjoyed it, tail confused as to whether to wag or wrap itself around your leg.

You pet him for a few more minutes, basking in the pure love and admiration that radiated off of the boy. You were so happy that you had finally found someone who loved you just as much as you loved them. You had had relationships before, and they had all been pleasant, but the spark just wasn't there with you guys as it was for you and Taehyung. Something just clicked between the two of you and you loved it.

"Taehyungie? Would you like to go to the store now?"

He opened his eyes, blinking a few times before nodding. He hadn't been asleep, but he swore that you could knock him out in seconds by just petting him. It was like you had him under a spell.

He slipped on his shoes, tongue poking out in concentration as he focused on tying them. He did it all by himself and showed you, extremely proud that he didn't even need your help. You kissed his nose, something that you hadn't gotten around to in a while, and he nearly exploded with happiness. 

You loaded him into the car, telling him how to use the seatbelt and congratulating him on his good work when the metal clicked into the plastic restraint. He smiled happily and only as you pulled out of the driveway did you realize that the loud thumping noise was his tail against the seat. You giggled at how much of a puppy he really was and began your route to the grocery store. 

You couldn't have even been in the car for three minutes before Taehyung was yipping, pointing out the window and telling you to, 'wait!'. You did, pulling over to the side of the road to face him worriedly.

"What's wrong, are you okay?"

"Yes! I want to go there!"

You looked where he was pointing and swallowed a laugh when you realized that he was pointing to a cat cafe.

"That's a cat cafe Taehyung, you go in and you can get a drink and they have cats running around, you sure you want to go?"

He only nodded vigorously at this, urging you to turn around and pull in. You supposed that he had either never been opposed to cats or grown used to Joy and gotten over it despite his dog side.

You got out of the car, helping him unlock the door and leading him inside. Taehyung gasped as a brown and white cat jumped down from a rather tall cat tree, circling his feet and rubbing her head on his leg and purring.

He looked up at you, big smile on his face as you motioned for him to get down and pet the cat. You crouched down yourself, greeting a little orange kitten that had cautiously approached you. The kitten decided that he liked you and climbed into your jacket pocket, head poking out and eyes slowly closing. You cooed, rubbing a finger over his little head before standing up again, noticing that Taehyung was already up and waiting for you.

He grinned, pulling you forwards towards the counter and greeted the employee.


"Well hello there, how may I help you today?"

"Can we have two hot chocolates please?"

"Of course, that'll be $6.50."

You pulled out the cash, dropping two quarters into the cashiers palm so that you didn't have to receive change.

"You know, all of the cats in here are up for adoption, and that one seems to like you. Up to you." He winked, pointing to the little ginger cat that was snoozing in your pocket.

"Oh okay, thank you." You smiled, taking Taehyung's hand and leading him to a table in the corner. Another cat, a white one this time, approached the two of you, tentatively sniffing Taehyung's hand before rubbing his head against his chest.


"Yeah?" You stroked a finger over the little kitten's head again, nearly squealing as he nestled further into the warmth of your pocket.

"I want a cat."

Feral - Hybrid!Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now