Chapter 1

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I pull myself up and over the ledge so that I'm sitting atop the wall. The view is much clearer up here and I have the perfect view of the golden sky. Slowly, almost as if trying to sneak up on the gold, a dark purple color travels across the sky.

"So pretty."

I sigh while propping my chin on my hand.

"You like looking at the sunset too?"

I startle at the voice and look around for the speaker.

"Down here."

I follow the voice and my eyes land on a short boy standing on a smaller rock ledge. He pulls himself up and sits down next to me. He's pale with dark black hair that comes to rest around his shoulders. There are small pointed horns sticking out from his head and his eyes are a dark indigo color that watch me curiously.

"My name is Keith. What's yours?"


"You're very pretty."

He comments.

"You glow too."

"Thank you?"

He smiles and faces towards where the purple is now mixing in with the gold. It swirls together almost as if the colors are dancing.

"I'm eleven. How old are you?"


He nods and leans back on his arms.

"I love watching the sunset. The colors are so pretty together."


I reply while scanning his clothes. My gaze comes to rest on his arms. They're covered in scars of all different sizes and stand out darkly against his pale skin.

"What happened to your arms?"

He looks over at me before looking down at his arms. Emotion flashes in his eyes but before I can read to far into it a barrier comes up; hiding the emotions from view.

"It's nothing. Sometimes I just overwork myself in training."

He looks away and I silently curse myself for bringing it up.

"I should probably go before my dad gets mad."

He says softly.


"Do you maybe want to meet up here tomorrow? To watch the sunset?"

He looks at me nervously and I give him my biggest smile.

"I would love to."

He smiles back before slipping off onto the ledge he came up on.

"See you then!"

"See you!"

I shout back as he takes off into the woods.

Sun Struck (Klance AU)Where stories live. Discover now