Chapter 22

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"Lance, I'm coming in!"

I hear my door open but don't bother raising my head to look.

"I- What?"

I hear movement at the end of my bed and Kosmo growls.

"No, Kosmo."

I mutter sleepily. He whines in response and I lift my head slightly to see my mother watching me.

"When did you get a wolf and a boy in your bed?"

I roll my eyes and try to shift which is kind of hard considering Keith is laying on my arm. She shakes her head and smiles.

"Stay. You two have a few hours before breakfast."

"Thank you."

"One more thing."


"Am I to assume I'll be seeing a lot more of him?"

"I guess."

"Okay. Make sure to tell him he's always welcome."

"I will."

She nods before turning and leaving.


I'm woken up yet again as I feel something moving. I open my eyes and squint at Kosmo as he pushes forwards into a gap between me and Keith. I sigh as he curls up and let my gaze drift to Keith.

He's still asleep and looks beyond peaceful. His eyes are closed and his eyelashes are long and dark against his smooth skin. His breathing is soft and the scar on his temple is a shade darker than his skin tone. I lean over and kiss the scar which causes him to murmmer something.


Slowly he opens his eyes and looks at me.

"You're a very pretty sight to wake up to."

He says before sighing.

"Definitely better than waking up to a cold room alone."

"Then I guess you're lucky."

"How so?"

"Cause I think Kosmo likes me too."

I nod down towards where he's curled up and Keith chuckles softly.

"It's hard not to like you."

"Irresistible. I know."

"Your highness, the Queen has sent me to tell you breakfast is soon!"

"Tell her I'll be right there!"

I call back.

"I'm assuming I have to leave now."

I look back at Keith and meet his steady gaze.

"The wall tonight?"

He nods in agreement and as if sensing what's going on Kosmo lifts his head. Keith breaks my gaze to look at his chosen one.

"Ready to go home, Kosmo?"

The wolf pup barks in response and stands.

"Let's go then."

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