Chapter 18

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"Today is the day we go into town and meet the people."

I look up at my mother as she speaks.

"Do we just walk around?"

"Not exactly. We will take a carriage to the cafe in town. There people will greet us."

"We do that all day?"

She nods.

"It's more interesting than you think."

"Okay. Let's go."


By the time we're seated there are already tons of people waiting. My mother ushers the first person forwards and she hops up to us excitedly.

"Hello, your highness's."

I offer the girl a smile and her face turns a bright shade of red.

"I uh- just have a question."

"You may ask."

"I don't want to come off rude, but do you perhaps have anybody you're seeing?"

She asks looking at me.


I blink in surprise.

"Well, I'm not currently looking."

She nods and backs away.

"That is all. Thank you."

"You handled that very well."

My mother says beside me.

"Do you think I'll ever be able to be with Keith in public? No more hiding from our kingdoms. Just..."


She asks.

"Yeah. Free."

"I do not know. The people may react differently. Some do not see that we are one in the same."

"It's stupid."

"I agree. Now hush. We have a lot more people to go through."


I drop down next to him with a loud sigh.

"Rough day?"

"The amount of questions about my love life that my people have are crazy. Isn't that my own private life?"

"What'd you tell them?"

"That I wasn't looking. Not a full lie and not a full truth."

He nods and I look over at him.

"Can I do something?"

Indigo eyes meet mine as he tilts his head in question.

"I want to do your hair."


I shrug.

"I have a few ideas. It'll keep in pulled back and out of the way. You could also look nice for any special events. I'll even do it for the Rising Ceremony so you look even nicer."

"I guess I have no choice."

"Not really."

He sighs and leans forwards to kiss me quickly.

"I could kiss you forever and never get bored."

I smile at him and move so I'm sitting in his lap. I press my face in the crook of his neck as his arms come up to wrap around me and hold me closer.

"Then I guess you're lucky that I've decided to stick around."


At the dip in his voice I press a kiss to his neck.

"I read something earlier today as I was waiting."

He hums and I grab one of his hands to intertwine our fingers.

"I choose you. And I'll choose you, over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you."

I pull his hand towards me and kiss his knuckles.

"I'll keep choosing you. No matter what your father says about love or about you. You are worthy of my love. Whether you think you are or not."

I feel him pull me tighter into his chest as he whispers softly.

"Thank you for choosing me, Zon."

(Basically a chapter about love? Yes. Also, I did not come up with the quote.

I'm out of school and I've been so bored. I've been doing extreme connect the dots and cleaning. That's a summary of my life at the moment XD)

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