Chapter 16

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(Time to learn about bonding marks! Oh, and Keith's father is being an ass again.)

The second I enter the dining room my mother's eyebrows shoot up.


"I know."

"Those are bonding marks."

"They are."

I glance down at the silvery grey lines that swirl around making intricate patterns up and down the lengths of my arms. Although hidden, I also know the marks travel up around my back and chest as well.

"Does that mean I am to assume that there was intercourse last night?"

My head shoots up to look at my mother as a knowing smile curls on her lips.

"Stop! No! We are not talking about this! Private information!"

"I'm only noticing it."

"Don't notice it!"

I pull out my chair and sit down next to her. When I still feel her eyes on me I look up.


"They're very pretty markings. I can only imagine what his might look like."


"Hey. What is it?"

"I'm worried. He was gone and now that he's going back there's a bunch of reddish gold bonding marks all over him. If his father finds him-"

I feel my mother's warm hand on mine as I start to shake.

"It'll be okay. He was only gone for a night so the King is sure to have been doing something else."

I nod and she pats my hand.

"I'll have the tailor come in and make it so your clothes cover your marks. That way we don't have to worry the people. Now, let's eat. You're gonna need to recharge after-"



As soon as I sit down my father speaks.

"Did you enjoy your break last night?"


"Ah. So you were training last night. I had an issue to deal with but it's good to know that didn't stop you."

I blink in surprise before nodding.

"Of course."

It's quiet as the maids bring out food and my gaze wanders to where an edge of reddish gold is peeking out from under my sleeve.

Memories of last night resurface and it's almost impossible not to smile. Lance had always seemed to catch me off guard. He was like an angel in the way he looked and acted. He was everything. The second the bonding marks had started to form it was clear that this was an important moment in both of our lives. They only formed when two souls loved each other and decided to become committed to that love through intercourse. People such as my father who slept around never gained those marks, but seeing the silvery lines appear on Lance was something I will never forget.


At my name I look up at my father.


"Your mind better be on your studies and ways to get better at combat."
"Yes, sir."

He regards me quietly before huffing and grabbing his fork.

"Your hair is getting longer. You should cut it. It'll become a hazard."

"Pulling it back is easiest. I don't think short hair suits me."

His body shakes and the fork in his hand snaps in half.

"Did you just say no?"

"It's my hair. It'll be my problem."

"Your problem is the kingdoms problem."

He growls out.

"The kingdom shouldn't care for what I do with my hair."

He slams both hands on the table and I jump at the sheer force of his actions.

"Your faults are the kingdoms! If you go down so do these people!"

"It shouldn't matter to you either! You will no longer be in rule when the Sun Prince reaches nineteen!"

I'm yanked up when he grabs my chin and forces me to look at him.

"I will always rule over you."

His grip is tight for a second more before he drops his hand.

"Go. You don't eat at all today and I better find you in the training room when I'm done."

I turn away without a word.

(Talk about Keith's father being over dramatic.)

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