Chapter 25

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You're the star that twinkles at night,

the breeze that makes things feel right.

You're the sunshine that drives blues away,

the beat that makes my heart beat every day...



He looks up and smiles as I sit down next to him.

"Where's Kosmo?"

"Running around the forest."

I nod and lean back against his shoulder.

"How was your day?"

"I saw Rosinda."

"Your nanny?"

I don't have to look to know he's nodding.

"How'd that go?"

"Well, she knows about you."

"That good or bad?"

"Good. She won't tell my father and was pretty calm after I explained things."

"That's nice. You always made her seem like a great person."

"She is."

He says while shifting to wrap his arms loosely around my waist. He rests his chin on my shoulder and presses a soft kiss to my neck. A wave of coolness hits me causing the usual warmth I produce to fade into a normal temperature.

"How was your day?"

He asks.

"Studying, practice, more studying, and so forth. My mother knows I can run a kingdom but she still thinks I need to spend every waking moment studying."

"At least she cares. She wants you to be prepared to take over."


He pulls an arm back and I feel cold fingers dance along my neck.

"I've been thinking about something."

I hum in acknowledgement and the touch disappears.

"What if we were to get married?"

It takes a second for the words to settle in before I'm turning to look at him. He looks nervous. Almost as if he regrets even speaking in the first place.

"Did you just propose to me?"

He avoids my gaze and when he speaks I can barely hear him.


I turn all the way around so I can look at him clearly. He looks up at me through his bangs and speaks louder this time.

"I don't have anything to offer you. A ring, necklace, bracelet, anything like that. What I do have, is myself."

The tears are falling before I even realize they were there to begin with. Keith's eyes widen in surprise as I cup his face in my hands.

"I only ever needed you."

I whisper before pulling him into a kiss.

(So, you may be asking how they got engaged. Well let me tell you. I don't freaking know. It just happened. My hand slipped?

After I wrote it I just kinda sat there.

It was gonna happen eventually but I guess eventually came sooner than later.

Our boys are engaged!)

Sun Struck (Klance AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz