Chapter 21

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I open my door and the wolf pup dashes in ahead of me. I shut the door and when I turn he's sitting on my bed watching me.


He barks in response before walking over to the night stand next to my bed. He paws at it and turns back to me.

"There's nothing in there for you."

He whines and paws at it again.

"You just got here. Go explore or something."

He doesn't move and just stares at me.


I pull open the small drawer and stand back as he sniffs through it.

"See? There's nothing in there."

He sits up and my eyes land on something in his mouth.

"What do you have?"

He growls around the object and I reach out.

"Give that to me."

Just as my hand is mere inches away from reaching him he disappears in a flurry or blue sparks.

"The hell?"

I turn around just as he reappears on my windowsill.

"You can teleport?"

He drops the object and let's out a bark. I walk over to him and he nudges the thing.

"A necklace."

It's the same one my father found. A gift from Lance.

"What do you want with this?"

He jumps down and rubs against my leg. Before I can say anything the air around me grows heavy and blue sparks fill my vision.


I enter my room and set Hotaru down on the ground. He stands as best he can on wobbly legs and starts to explore my room. I sit down on the floor and wait. Suddenly, Hotaru perks up and his ears twitch towards my bed.

"What is it buddy?"

Without warning blue sparks appear in the air and with them a person. They crash onto my bed and there's a loud bark.


I stand as they sit up and groan.

"Keith? Where the hell did you come from?"

He turns to me in surprise before his gaze moves to land on something or rather someone sitting beside him.

"You little-"

"Oh my god."

I race forwards and scoop the puppy up into my arms.

"Is this your chosen one?"


He grumbles.

"Be careful. Apparently he can bite through people's bones."

I roll my eyes and smile at him.


"He doesn't have one yet."

"How come?"

"Didn't think about it."

I look down at the puppy in thought.

"Well, he's got a lot of blue's in him and he seems to have pretty cool powers. How about Kosmo? He is a star wolf."

"How does everyone seem to know that?"

I laugh and set Kosmo down.

"I did a lot of research on chosen ones. They were one of my favorite topics. You can tell he's a star wolf by his markings and the colors of his coat."


He looks behind me.

"Where's your chosen one?"

I turn around and walk over to my desk. Kosmo is tilting his head at Hotaru in question as Hotaru hides behind my chair.

"Come on Hotaru. Kosmo's not going to hurt you."


"I saw it in a book."

"What? Naming your chosen ones for the unprepared?"

"Very funny."

I comment while finally getting Hotaru to come out. I sit down and he crawls into my lap before collapsing.

"Sit down."

When I don't feel Keith sit down I look up at him. He's glaring down at Hotaru in my lap and I have to hold back a laugh.

"Are you jealous?"


He growls before sitting down next to me. I grab his hand and press a kiss to it before letting our intertwined hands rest on my knee.

"He's a stag. I saw him when he was older and he was beautiful."


We both watch as Kosmo trots over and crawls into his lap. The wolf pup curls up in a ball and rests his head on one of Keith's knees.

"You two are adorable."

He snorts.

"Yeah? Me and my man eating wolf? We make a dangerous pair. My father is quite happy with the chaos we could bring."

"But you won't."

I squeeze his hand and he looks at me through his bangs.

"You two aren't at all bad. Besides."

I nod towards where Kosmo is already half asleep in his lap.

"He's too young to be bad. He's your chosen one. Not your fathers. He can't control him. They're free spirited animals and they follow the path of us."

"I don't think that's a good idea either."


"I know you don't think I'll follow in my father's footsteps. But that doesn't mean I'm not scared."

I can't move because of Hotaru in my lap but I lift our hands up and press another kiss to the back of his hand.

"Here. Why don't you stay the night? Kosmo can teleport you back in the morning."

"Oh, right."

He strokes Kosmo's head and smiles.

"I think we can stay."

(I struggled to find a way to include Kosmo into this fic. I found it and I latched on for dear life. Also, I know people spell Komso differently. I choose to spell it with a K because it's unique and to me it just kinda fits for him.)

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