Chapter 6

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(WARNING: Mentions of abuse. I think it's bad but I'm not sure about other people.

Also, we're getting past just the wall and now we're introduced into where Lance lives.)

"Happy birthday, Fengári."

I say softly while looking at the forest and the brooding castle beyond it. The only response I get is the shadow overhead as the moon rises and takes over the sky.


I pull myself up onto the wall and my eyes instantly land on the figure in front of me.

"Oh no..."

Indigo eyes look up into mine and all I can see is pain swimming in their dark depths.

"Did he-?"

A whimper is all I need to sink to the ground in front of him. I carefully take one of his arms into my hand to look it over. His palms are bloodied and fat red drops stain the wall. His arms are covered in bruises and there's a cut running along the side of his face.

Without thinking I let go of his arm and scoop him up into my arms. He sighs and his eyes close as he lets me take him away.

I make my way into the castle the same way I've been sneaking out every day since I was ten. Through the servants quarters. They're deserted now and the place is quiet as I sit him down on one of the long counters.

"Keith, can you hear me?"

He nods but his face pinches up in pain.

"I'll be right back. Just stay here."

Before he can answer I run from the room and into the hallway. I need to find help.

"Your highness, what are you doing all the way over here?"

I turn and come face to face with a maid around my age. Ona.

"Do you know first aid?"

She tilts her head to the side.

"Of course. May I ask why?"

"My b- friend. My friend is hurt.

She raises her eyebrows in question.

"Your friend?"


She nods slowly then starts walking towards the servants quarters.

"You can't tell anyone."

I remind her.

"Anything you ask your highness."

The second the door opens she inhales sharply.

"Oh my."

"Can you help him?"

She looks at me with wide eyes.

"He's not from here."


"He has horns. Big horns. Also, a crown."

"I know. Please, can you just help him?"

"I'll try. What happened to him?"

"That doesn't matter. Please?"

At the desperation in my voice she nods.


She approaches him carefully and looks up at him.

"Are you awake?"

"Yes, I'm awake."

He replies gruffly.

"Be nice."

I scold.

"She's here to help."

He opens his eyes and looks at me. Just by the look alone I know what he wants. I walk over to him and press against his leg.

"I don't want you going back home."

"My father will notice if I'm gone for too long."

He winces as Ona picks up his hands to inspect them.

"Your father is on my kill list now."

"And he wasn't before?"

"You were never hurt this badly before. Of course I don't like how he treats you. This is too far though."

"He wanted me to be perfect. He had me training all day and night. I never got a break and whenever I tried he would drag me back. I'm sorry I couldn't visit you by the way."

"You have no reason to be sorry. It'll only be a couple more months until my birthday. After that he'll have no real power over you."

He leans his head back against the wall and exhales.

"Could you put ointment on his hands and wrap them real quick your highness? I have to go fetch something."

I glance over at Ona and nod as she hands me the supplies. Once she's out of the room I turn back to him.

"Are you ready?"

"Can't be worse than what I've already gone through. Besides, I've always wanted more scars."

He says sarcastically.

"That means more scars for me to kiss."

I say simply as I rub ointment onto his hands. He lets out a short bark of laughter before quieting down to watch as I care for his hands.

"You're still beautiful."

I say softly.

"No matter what he does to you."

"You're too pure for the cruelness of the world."

I wrap his hands in bandages and tie them off before looking up into his eyes.

"You're too kind for the cruelness of your father."

He smiles and I pull both his hands up to my lips.

"I love you so much, Fengári."

"I love you too, Zon."

(So, if I didn't explain it that well, Keith's dad had him training all day. He never got a break so by the time he was let go for his dad to make the moon rise, his hands were literally scraped raw. He wasn't allowed to rest his hands so instead of the normal blisters you would get, it was much worse.)

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