Chapter 24

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(Continued on from the last chapter because I thought there should be a dramatic pause or something.


"You're in love with the Sun Prince?!"

"Please keep it down. Someone could hear you."

She shakes her head in disbelief.

"How? When? I-"

"Can you listen?"

She nods but stays silent.

"When I was little I loved watching the sunset. I still do. I was eleven and I snuck out to go to the wall separating our kingdoms. The view is so clear and you can see everything. Although, the sunset was definitely not what I was looking at. We met there and it eventually became our place. We've been going ever since."

I take a deep breath and look down at where Kosmo is laying beside me.

"As for when we got together. Do you remember when my father tested my strength with the knife?"

She nods and frowns.

"He pressed it to your palm and said that if you were to pull away from the pressure of it you weren't fit to run a kingdom because there would be more pressure than what the knife was doing."

"Pulling away was one of the hardest things I've ever done. The scar made me feel as if I wasn't capable. That I needed to be stronger."

"You know that's not true."

"Back then I didn't. He made me feel weak and unworthy. I didn't talk to Lance about that scar. I'd liked him for awhile and the thought of how he would react scared me. If I wasn't worthy of running a kingdom I wasn't worthy of being in his presence."

I smile now at the memory.

"He's very persistent. You would like him. When I didn't talk to him he grabbed my hand and kissed the scar. Then he started kissing all of my scars and eventually I couldn't keep it in. I told him that he was the best thing that ever happened to me and that I loved him. In return to my confession he kissed me. We've been together ever since."

I feel her hand on mine and she flips it over so she can trace the outline of the scar.

"He sounds wonderful."

"He is. He's my world. He's the reason I've even made it this far."

"I'm happy for you. You deserve a love like that."

"Thank you, Rosinda."

She nods and pats my hand before standing.

"I should go. Just remember I'm free to talk whenever you need."

With that she turns and walks away.

(Rosinda is now available to talk too!)

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