Chapter 5

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I'm hit by a sea of cold. A firm hand grabs my wrist and flings me around so I'm looking up into my father's dark emotionless eyes.

"Emotions are a luxury we cannot afford. The sun thinks it owns us. That we come last in her cruel game. It is a lie. We will prove her wrong. With my training you will grow more powerful and beat her. Mark my words boy. We will reign over all."

I startle awake gasping as my father's words echo in my head.

"You're okay."

A gentle voice says as warm hands run through my hair.

"It was only a nightmare."

"My father knows all."


"He has plans. Dangerous plans."

I sit up and look at Lance; already missing the warmth that radiates from him.

"That wasn't a nightmare. It was a memory that I shut out because I didn't want to think about it."

"What was it about?"

"He wants to rule everything."

"You're almost nineteen. He's not going to be able to rule for much longer."

"He'll control me. He always does."

"He doesn't."

Lance says while pulling me back towards him.

"You control yourself. If he controlled you you wouldn't be here. You'd still be training. You won't follow in his footsteps."

"Why aren't you scared? He could do something. What if he's doing something right now?"

"I have faith in you and I have faith in us. Now go back to sleep. We don't have much longer until you have to leave."

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