Chapter 7

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"Your highness, what are you going to do? The Queen is sure to find him here."

I look over my shoulder at Keith and sigh.

"If she does then it will be my problem."

I turn my attention back to her.

"You may go. You don't need to worry about your position if this were to get out."

"What about the King of the Moon kingdom? Won't he be upset that the Prince is missing?"

"He doesn't deserve a son if he treats him in such a way."

I snap.

"Just go. I will handle it all when the time comes. Thank you for your service."

She nods before scurrying away. Once she's gone I turn back to Keith.

"Ready to move?"

"You realize you practically kidnapped me."

"I don't regret it."

I reply while taking him into my arms.

"Did you know you're surprisingly light?"

"Shut up."

"Hey, I'm just saying."

He rolls his eyes before looking down at where his hands are already beginning to bleed through.

"Do they hurt?"

"They burn. It feels like I held them in fire."

He looks up at me.

"But it's okay because you're here now."


"You have to study! Your birthday is coming up and we cannot have you unprepared!"

"I've been studying for three hours!"

She narrows her eyes at me.

"You will go to your room and you will study. I'll have a servant bring you food. You are not allowed to leave your room until tomorrow. Got that boy?"

"Yeah. I got it."

I open my door and the second my eyes land on the curled up figure in the middle of my bed it's as if all the anger I feel towards my mother is gone. I close my door softly and walk over to the side of my bed. Adorable. I scan his arms which are pulled close against his chest and I notice the bandages are even redder than before.

"I'm sorry I didn't do anything before this happened."

"Your highness, I've come with food."

I glance back at him quickly before walking to the door.

"Thank you."

The servant nods as she hands me the tray before running off.


At my name I turn back into my room and close the door behind me.

"I'm here."

He sits up and rubs groggily at his eyes with the back of his hand.

"It's very warm here."


I set the food down on my desk before grabbing a roll of bandages and turning to him.

"Ready for a new set?"

"I guess I don't have a choice."

I shake my head and sit down next to him.

"How's the one on your face?"

"It's not as painful."

He replies while holding out his hands. I take them carefully and slowly unwrap the bandages. At the sight of his hands I inhale sharply.

"You don't have-"

"I think I know something that can help."


"I've haven't fully mastered it but it's something my professor taught me."

"You want to try something you haven't even learned yet?"

"I've learned it. I just haven't mastered it."

He sighs and raises his hands in acceptance.

"If it'll help. I trust you."

I help him up then lead him to the large window in my room.

"Put your hands out."


"I can control the sun. I'm not part of it."

He does as told and waits patiently as I reach out and put my hands over his.

"I don't know how long this will take. I just have to focus."

He nods and I close my eyes to concentrate. My mind swims and I remember back on what my professor said. "You need to find something to grab onto. Something that you can focus on to push away everything else." The only good thing in my life I can think of is Keith. He's the soul reason why I even lasted so long under my mother's watchful gaze.


I open my eyes and they come to land on Keith.


He nods towards where my hands are on his before speaking again.

"Something's different."

I pull my hands back and we both look. Instead of the raw red skin that was there before there's scabbed patches.

"It's not fully healed so you should still be careful."

I tell him.

"Thank you."

I look up at him and he offers me a small smile filled with gratitude.

"It feels much better."

I sigh in relief and pull one of his hands to my face to kiss it.

"As long as you aren't in pain I will be okay."

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