Chapter 17

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The second I see him I know somethings on his mind. It's a look I've grown used to. His brow is furrowed and he's biting his bottom lip lost in thought.

I walk over and promptly sit down in his lap. He blinks in surprise and our eyes meet as I offer him an innocent smile.



He breathes out.

"So, my birthday is in like, two months. Got any big plans that night?"

He smiles and brushes his thumb along my cheek.

"Anything you want, I'm there."

"Good. Because my mother wants to meet you."

He pauses and searches my face for clues.

"Does she-?"

"She knows. She's also okay with it."


"It's weird. It's like a switch was flipped and now she's super nice and wants me to be happy."

"That's good though."

I nod and curl up into his chest.

"What about you? Did your father see the marks?"

"No. But he did complain about my hair being to long and said that I need to cut it."

"I think your hair is fine. It's long enough that it's not a mullet anymore. Besides, you can braid it and do all sorts of cool designs with it too."

I reply while closing my eyes and basking in his presence.

"You can tell that to my father."

He mutters while pulling me closer into his chest.

"He thinks the kingdom will be destroyed."

"He's probably just jealous."

I mumble as I feel myself drift off to sleep.



He doesn't stir and I stand as carefully as I can so I don't wake him.

"Let's hope this goes smoothly."


I step into the castle and look around.

"I really have no clue where I'm going."

"Oh god!"

I turn around and my gaze lands on the familiar girl from before. Her eyes are wide as she stares at me.

"Hey, uh, do you know where his room is?"

She looks down at where Lance is asleep in my arms and her gaze softens.

"Follow me."

She leads me down a bright hallway and stops in front of a large door.

"You can just leave him on the bed. I highly doubt our Prince would care."

"Thank you for your help."

She smiles and nods before walking away.

I manage to push open the door and close it behind me before heading towards the bed. It's quiet and there's a dim light casting a low glow around the room. I set Lance down and he immediately curls in on himself.

"Goodnight, Zon."

I say quietly as I place a gentle kiss on his temple.

"See you tomorrow."

(Soft boys!

I just finished the last French test of hopefully my life. Tomorrow is the last day of school before summer and I only have two classes. I'm ready for it to be over. So, yay!)

Sun Struck (Klance AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang