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After staring our journey towards my new destination, which luckily is the adjoining town this time, not another country or continent, I started my investigation again. "Do I look like my dad?"

Zee gave me the most horrified look I will ever get from an expressionless person like him before denying my theory with just one word "No."

"Okay, so that means I am like my mom. How is she, by the way? Doesn't she want to see me?"

Zee's grip tightened on the wheel. If I thought the expression before was the most horrified, I am proven wrong. Still, I am curious and I am not letting him go without answering me this time.

When he didn't reply for a while I started the emotional blackmailing drama that I planned. I am not a person who likes this kind of melodramas but I have already tried everything else and I am definitely not a quitter.

I want answers and I am going to get them.

I opened my playlist and played one of my favorite song,' fake love ' by BTS, and starts singing along "I am so sick of this fake love, I am so sorry but its fake love."

"Rose!" He said in a threatening voice but I am also upset.

"What? Now I can't even listen to music. Why do you people need to be so manipulating? I am 23 for God's sake and I have no idea about who my parents are. The only family I know of is you and I am not even sure if Zee is a real person or if Rose William Jones is my real name. For all I know is that you could be playing tricks with me and--------"

"She is dead! " Zee said or I should say screamed. "Your mother, she....... she died."

I am shocked. Number one I really didn't expect him to answer me. Number two I really didn't, at any cost, expect this. Okay, I agree I kind of had a hunch but still having a guess and actually hearing that my mother is dead is, I don't know, difficult.

Is it weird to feel sad about the death of a person I don't even know the name of?

I took some deep breaths and finally asked in a low voice "When....." I tried to complete my question but I was unable to find words.

Zee understood and replied politely "During your birth."

"That explains why you all hate me," I said without even realizing I am speaking. It is just the first thing that came to my mind. But this really reviled why my family kept me away, why my father never picked up my calls. He must have loved her dearly and the fact that the reason for her death is still alive........ It must be so hard for him. Tears started building in my eyes but I hold them back. 'Take deep breaths' I hear the voice saying but I am so occupied by my own thoughts that I ignored it.

"It was not your fault," Zee said. Something tells me he is serious. That he really don't blame me for our mother's death. That feels good. At least not every person hates me. Even I know that this was not my fault, but still, I feel somewhat guilty.

When I didn't start my line of questions again Zee speaks "She really loved you a lot. You were her favorite child. And believe me, she is not going to like you blaming yourself over something like this."

I couldn't stop myself from giving him a small smile. He is trying to make me feel better. That's a first. Maybe he feels guilty to tell me this.

Is this the hidden reason why they behaved the way they did?

I am not sure but my gut feeling says there is something else. Something darker. Something more shocking. Something I have no idea about, yet.

Rest of the journey was quite. I wanted to ask so many things but couldn't. Zee's eyes told me that our mother's death is as difficult for him as for me, if not more.


It is getting dark.

"We are almost there," Zee said suddenly while scaring the hell out of me. He must have noticed me looking out of the window. This guy can read me really well.

Till this time we both have recovered from the news.

I was almost ready to start the interrogation again when he got a message. His expressions changed. If I didn't know him better, which I don't, I would have thought he looks almost scared.

Suddenly he stopped the car before saying "Get off".

What? Get off? Here? At this time? In this unknown place? Is he serious? Have I done something wrong? I didn't move, instead, I give him the same 'what-the-hell' look he gave me before.

"I am sorry, Rose" he apologized "I need to go. Now." My first guess was correct. He does sound scared, with a hint of confusion. "You have the address, right?"

I nodded my head. Sending me the address of my new location was a part of 'the ritual' too.

I took my handbag and opened the car door when he said, "I am sorry."

I give him a smile assuring him that I am not angry. "Just tell me...... is everything alright?" I asked getting worried about what can scare Mr. Blank expression.

He smiled in return and said "Let's hope so" before driving away in the darkness leaving me behind, all alone, again.

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