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So it's the end.

Just me and Dolus.

I was just walking in a random direction because I was pretty much sure he would show me the way himself.

And I was right.

After a while, I could see the palace - The Dragon Palace.

I didn't think I would come here again. But here I am.

There is no one here and this quite and silent place is giving me goosebumps.

I am trying to find the room where I was kept during my short stay here. That is the place where we met for the first time.

From the first look, I couldn't tell that this person would cause me so many troubles. We should never judge a book by its cover.

I stood in front of the room. Waiting for him to call me in. I know he is inside. I can feel him. And I also know him enough to know how much he like this dramatic stuff, but when even after waiting for a while he didn't call me, I decided to go in myself.

As soon as I step inside, he vanished. I couldn't see him but I knew he was hiding from me. But why will he do that?

However, my attention is diverted to someone else.


He is tied to a chair, with cuts and blood all over his body.

I run up to him and open his ropes. He seems fine instead of all the blood loss he has.

"We need to leave. Dolus..... h-he is crazy."

"I told you, didn't I? But we can't leave this place without defeating him."

I explained to him everything.

"Okay.... but what's the plan now?"

"Why does everyone ask me for the plan? I am just a young innocent girl who had nothing to do with anything here.............. Dolus' room."

He just stared at me.

"When I was here Dolus had a room here too. I wonder if we can find something there."

"How are you so sure?"

"Did I sounded sure to you? I am just guessing, alright? I just saw that room in a dream---------"

"In a dream!?"

"Just follow me." And I started walking towards Dolus' room. I am surprised that I remember the exact location of that room.

Is it a trap?

"This is just too simple. I think it can be a trap. So, be careful." I told Jonathan as I open the door.

The room is still the same as before, dark, with candles in the center in a strange figure.

It is because of these candles I thought that this room is important. These candles can have a meaning but I know nothing about magic and stuff..........

"Let me help you......... What are we looking for again?"

"Something that can be related to a tree."

"A tree!?"

"Long story...... Just get on the search first."

"Related to a tree.... like some kind of wooden tool or something?"

"Maybe....... Actually, it is a good idea. It must be a wooden weapon." I didn't think about that. "And I was looking for a stupid tree in an entire forest!! I am so smart!"*sarcasm*

Jonathan sighed deeply. I know most of this don't even make any sense but what option do we have.

These candles. I come here for them. But what does that design meant? Could it be a map or something.........?

I was so engaged in the candles-mystery that I didn't notice that Jonathan found a bookshelf.

"This looks like a compass or something...... But it is not pointing towards North. Plus it is made of wood. Will it do?" He asked me casualty but something about this feels different.

"Where did you find it?"

"Just here...... And what's with the tone!!........ You don't think I am tricking you or something, right?"

"I never said that!! I am just saying it could be a trick played by Dolus. That person is a real fox, believe me." I take the compass from his hands and examine it.

"You sounds like you are very familiar with him."

"Believe me I am and I definitely don't want to." This compass feels so odd when held in my hands. "I think he wants us to go there."

"Let's go then."

"What? We will fall straight into his trap!"

"What else can we do? We need to find him in order to get out of this place, do we not?"

"We do.... But......"

"Let's just follow the compass." He put his hand on my shoulder. "I promise I will protect you. You are Julian's mate. That makes you more important than my own life....... I have lost my mate and I do not want Julian to bear that too."

He really meant each and every word he said. I am actually so touched.

"I am glad you think that way but don't say stuff like this. Mostly those who say things like this near climax end up dying........"

"You should stop reading fiction."

With this, I lead the way to the destination showed by the compass and he followed close behind.

I just hope we both won't die there.

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