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Dolus has created an illusion and we are stuck inside it.

"But it is a good thing."

Now both the brothers are giving me looks like ' I have lost my mind '.

"No... If he is using this trick, it could mean we are near the tree and that tree really matters to him."

"So, we just need to find that tree now."

"Right! Let's just end it once and for all." I am really tired of Dolus. Every time something bad happened, it was him behind that.

The thought of ending him is creepy but that is the right thing to do. However, I am not yet sure how........



"It's been so long!!" It is almost the end of the second day. We are still stuck here in 'Dolus-land' and can't find a way out.

It feels like we are going around in circles. "This is not going to work."

"What do you suggest?" Julian asked.

I should praise these two brothers actually. They were here all the time, without even complaining even once.

"I don't know. Even the voice is not helping. It's the first time it had been quiet for days together........."

"What voice?" Both asked together.

"Just something." I am not even sure myself what that voice is, how will I explain it to them. But I think Dolus shut it up, just like he did before.

"So.... what next? Do we keep going around like this?"

"We can't. Jonathan is in danger and.......... Wait! Dolus asked me to come to the Dragon Palace. He must be there! If I go there--------"

"You can't go alone!!" True. I won't be able to fight Dolus but I am sure we won't find a way out like this.

This is Dolus-land. A place he created. There is no one else there except for us three, Dolus and maybe Jonathan.

If he wants us to stay in this forest for our entire lives, we won't be able to leave.

So I have to handle this matter on my own.

But how will I handle Julian?

"Do you have a better option?" I am sorry for doing this to you Julian. This is the only way. "It's already been two days and I am starving. If this goes on we will die here." Sorry love but I need to do it. I need to use my magic to manipulate you. "It will be best if you listen to what I am saying---------"

"Stop using your mind trick on me!!"

He is fast. But I need to put his guard down. Just a distraction for one second will do.......... I think it will work..........

I covered the distance between us.

"Cub, whatever you are going to do won't work on me. I am experienced compared to you and I------------"

I didn't let him complete the sentence.

I kissed him.

He was so shocked that he couldn't breathe for a while but soon he started kissing me back.

I am so sorry for doing this but I would rather have you hate me for rest of my life than to get you killed.

Just as he got lost in our kiss, I stepped in his mind.

He is really happy right now. I can feel his happiness.

But I am betraying him.

I totally hate myself.

I focused on getting the job done and made him unconscious. Unconscious people are easy to keep in control.

When I finished, I look back at Jeremy who is just standing there, back towards us, staring at a tree and hands on ears.

He is such a cupcake.

"Hey! Jeremy can you help me here."

He turned around and saw Julian's body on the ground. "What the-----------"

"I didn't have another option okay!? Just stay here with him."

"He is going to kill me when he woke up........ Let me come with you."

"If I could I would. And you can always put blame on me. Say that I have manipulated you too.........."

"But you---------"

"Do you really want me to do that. Listen we both know that I can but I don't want to. 1st because I simply don't want to. 2nd I have used enough power on your brother. And I don't want to use more. I might have to fight with Dolus. I need to save my strength. You understand, right?" I was telling him how I don't want to use my magic on him but I am doing it. He isn't going to let me go. But we really don't have time to waste.

After my trick, he agreed.

I leave them alone and starts walking in a random direction.

So that's it. It's the end.

Just me and Dolus.

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