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I tried to free myself from the ropes but failed.

My father's guards injected some kind of drug in my body which is making me super sleepy. I tried to fight it but lost.

Suddenly I could feel the vehicle shaking as someone is attacking it. Good. People are trying to free me. If only I could open these ropes and help them........with this last thought I lost my consciousness.


The next thing I knew was that I am being dragged. I am still blindfolded but I can't feel the ropes.

It can be an opportunity for me to escape. I used all of my force but this only tightens the grip of the guards.

"Be careful. She almost blew up the whole van. She can be dangerous." I heard a guard say.

"I heard she singlehandedly injured a whole group of zombies," said another guard.

"Why is such a thing even alive?"

"She is King's daughter" whispered the third guard.

"That's why she is alive. But why she is being thrown into the cold dungeon?"

"I heard maids talking that she will be a gift to dragons. King doesn't want her to escape so be careful."

Attack on the van. Injure zombies. Cold dungeon. Dragon gift. I can't understand any of them. Mr. Zombie guy also said that I injured his people but I don't remember doing any of it. I am feeling just so weak and exhausted.

These guards threw me in a corner before injecting the drug to me again. I couldn't feel anything now.

I just want to go far away from here. I just want to get up in my bed. I just want it to be a bad dream.

My whole body is numb and once more darkness took over me.



Cold. It's so cold here. I slowly opened my eyes.

I can't remember anything. The images of last night, or day, is very blurred. And this headache is killing me.

I slowly got up and sit with the help of the cold dump wall beside me. I can't see anything properly. It's very dark here.

I cross my hand around my chest, trying to protect myself from the cold but it's not working. I can see my breath coming out as fog from my mouth. On top of that, I am just wearing a light cotton shirt.

It took me a while to recall the events which are the result of this condition of mine. So it is 'the cold dungeon'. I can see why it got this name.

I am in a cell, all alone.

Great! My father is doing a great job of being a father.*note to sarcasm*

The guards said I attached the van and injured some zombies. When did I do that? Was I sleepwalking? Or does Mary did it and put the blame on me!? I mean we are identical twins and she totally hates me. This can be a possibility.

But what will I do now? They are going to gift me to dragons. I am NOT an object they can gift to someone. I need to get out of here at any cost.

I tried to stand but couldn't. It must be that drug. What now?

At least I am not chained or something. But the marks of the ropes are still fresh on my wrists.

I summoned all my power and got up. I need to have a good look at my surroundings to plan an escape route. My whole body is aching and my head is going to burst from pain, however, I don't have another option.

I can't wait for people to came and rescue me. I need to help myself. Living alone for 23 years has taught me how to be independent. I am not used to others helping me.

This thought reminded me of Julian. He said he is 423 years old, exactly 400 years older than me. It feels funny. I wonder if he is aware of my condition. Jeremy must have told him. Is he worried? Is he trying to rescue me? Or do he even care?

Now all I can think of is him. I want to hug him and feel his warm arms around me. I miss him.

'Hide' said the voice. Hide where?

I forgot all about it when I heard it. This dangerous sound is coming from the cell in front of mine. I couldn't see anything clearly because of the dark when I heard that voice again. It was loud and scary.

I went closer to the bars of the cell to have a better look. This sound was of a WOLF. A VERY BIG WOLF. A werewolf, I am assuming.

It is my first time seeing a real werewolf. It has light brown fur, sharp teeth, and pure black eyes, which are glaring at me.

In an instant, it jumped towards me and I screamed with all my might.

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