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I am the one who is going crazy.

But there is one more thing I want to confirm.

"You killed Damon's mate too, didn't you."

"I did."

"And then you use his mate as an excuse to find me?"

"I did."

"And by doing all this you wanted to decrease the power of the whole of the dark land..........Why?......... So can bright land win over them?"


But WHY? Don't tell me he is a patriotic type of person. I don't believe that. So it must be the secret The Queen has.

"What about my cousin?" I said looking towards Lily, who too was very confused.

"She is the Queen's daughter."

"Then why is she here!?"

"My idea of a kingdom is different from that of my mother's," Lily said.

That woman! She is the one behind all this. But what does she have to make someone as strong as Dolus to be her slave?

"Don't try to go find it. I am not providing you all of this information to use it against me."

"Then why are you telling me this?"

"I don't know.........maybe to impress you?"

Impress me!?

"Yes princess to impress you."

He can read my mind again. I need to focus more, but it is too tiring.

"Of course it is tiring for you. Your body is not compatible with the huge amount of power you have. Don't you get tired easily? Don't you sleep a little too much? Don't you get hurt easily? It is because your body is not strong. You were once dead, that's why your body is weak. Let me tell you something interesting- What makes you a superpower hybrid is the same reason your body is weak. And that's what makes your body different from mine."


"Yes. You didn't guess it yet? I am one of the firstborn humans. The only one left."

That's another shock. But that's why he is so strong.

"Yes princess I am strong. Super strong. So why don't you consider being with me?"

"Come again! First my mother, now me?"

"Yes, princess. I am looking for you for a long time now but that stupid Zachary did a good job to protect you. He even managed to protect you from your father. I wanted to keep you as a memory of my Rosemary but it turns out you are Julian's mate. Keeping you with me will break the last pillar of the Black family. Also, your curse is making you irresistible. So what do you think about it?"

"You already know the answer to that. A BIG FAT NO!!"

"I knew it. Take your time and think again. You are not going anywhere anyway." Dolus turned around and started to leave.

"What ceremony the Queen was talking about?" I suddenly remember her telling Dolus to prepare for some ceremony.

"That doesn't consist you." And he left.

If it consists the Queen it consists me too.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I need some rest. I need some time to process all this.



So in short conclusion, everything is Dolus' fault, along with my aunt. Everything even long before my birth.

But what now?

I can't fight someone like him. He is too strong for me to handle alone.

The secret The Queen has can help. But I don't think she will share it with me. My curse can help me in dealing with Dolus to an extent but it will make the case worse with the Queen.

This is a real mess.

"You had a hard life," Samantha said out of blue.

It took me a minute to get that she is trying to console me. "Umm.... Yaa...... kind of." I am not sure what should I say.

"I am sorry. You sound very young too."

"Yaa... I am not that young. I am 23."

"What!?" Three of the females said together.

"You are a baby!!" That was Victoria who can't hide her shock from her voice.

"I am not....." I said in a low voice. I am kind of embarrassed. All these three women must be much older and experienced than me.

"God! Another child I need to take care of." Victory said it in a mocking manner, maybe trying to cheer me up.

But it is not working. I am not in a good mood, especially when I know they will hate me once they see my face. I don't want to get betrayed and hurt again. I need to keep this as professional as possible.

"You don't need to try being nice to me. Once you see my face you will hate me too, like every other female in the world. I am kind of cursed you see." I informed them.

"Is it just because of the curse that Dolus is being so nice to you?" asked Lily.

"If being chained in an old dungeon is being treated nicely, then yes it is because of the curse," I replied. I don't think he is being so nice to me. He ruined my mother's life. I don't want him to be nice to me because it won't change the fact that I hate him.

In all this mess one thing is clear now that I won't let Dolus get away with this. But for that I need help. I am not a person who asks for help but this situation is different. I can't fight him on my own. So I will need some help.

I made my decision and asked everyone in a serious tone "I don't like being here. I am leaving. Who is with me?"
Hii, Hope you people are liking the story so far.

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