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I was on top of Julian and neither of us was going to let this chance go.

My first kiss ever.

As the distance between us decreased, my heart beat got faster. I couldn't think of anything else except him. I closed my eyes.

I want my kiss, right here and right now.

But that's not what destiny wanted.

As we were just an inch apart, I could see him.

HIM. The last him I want to encounter.

But he was not alone this time. He was with another guy, whose face I couldn't see.

Dolus was using a dagger to peel his skin off. He was covered all over in blood and breathing hard.

Oh!! God!!

This scenario is so similar.

"Come. Come and save him, princess. I will be waiting where we first met. In The Dragon Palace. I assume you know that you have to come alone, right?" Dolus challenged me.

With this, the telepathy thing ended and I could feel Julian shaking me.
"Are you alright!?"

I got up with a jerk. "Alright? I am perfect! Just perfect! But will you care to explain why you didn't tell me that your elder brother is missing!?" He knew Jonathan is missing but he didn't even tell me. I am upset.

Here we were celebrating and partying when Jonathan could be dead any minute.

I know he was trying to protect me but I don't want any secrets between us.

He, too, knew that quite well. "I didn't mean to hide it---------"

"But you did!!" I took a deep breath, trying to calm down, and said, "Ask Jeremy to stop his hunt and come back home. We can't find him like this."

"What are you planning to do?" He was worried about me. I can understand but I just couldn't sit here as nothing happened.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything stupid and I am definitely not going to do what he asked me too. That's always the wrong plan."


"I was thinking about going to the Blue Mountain and find that tree. That's the only clue we have right now."

"Ok..... let's go."



I couldn't believe my luck. I was so close to kissing Julian and now I was standing in the middle of a forest, trying to find a stupid tree.

So romantic.

Almost everyone is here right now, helping me in looking for a tree which seemed nothing different than others.

But so far, we weren't lucky.

Also, I was not even sure what I was going to do when I found it or how it was related to Dolus in any way.

Plus we don't have much time. Jonathan is in danger. He is the next king of the vampire kingdom. If he died next brother have to take over the kingdom but Julian is already the King of the whole of the dark land. That is going to create a mess.

However, this is not the biggest problem. The biggest one is that he is Julian's elder brother. From what I know, Julian's father was also not a fan of Julian ((something he and me had in common)) and Jonathan was always there for him.

I can't let that person die. Even though I am not so close to him, and I obviously told him to not go after Dolus alone, I can't let him die.

So, if this tree-hunting plan failed I am going to do what Dolus asked me to. I know that never goes well but I couldn't think of another way.

"Is this the one?"

"It doesn't seem like it, Jeremy," I replied to him the same answer for the 50th time now. All of these trees looked the same.

Because of the shortage of time, we made groups. Jeremy decided to join me and Julian.

Even bringing Lily with us was not helpful. She was not aware of herself where that tree was.

What now!? Was I supposed to wait for a golden shiny bird to appear and showed me the way because this shit only happened in books----------

Then I felt it. It was some kind of an odd presence which didn't belong to this place.

I ran towards it but soon was stopped by someone.

"Let go, Julian."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know. It is something that shouldn't be here. I need to free it. It is waiting for me." I don't know why I was saying that but I need to do it quick. Something wrong is going to happen and----------.


"Was that Lily?" I asked Julian in a panicked voice.

Jeremy followed us, leaving her behind alone.

But now she was nowhere in sight anymore. Where did she disappear to?

"Stay behind me!!" Julian commanded, holding my hand tightly and started following the direction from where the voice came from. But we couldn't reach it.

Jeremy said he wanted to go first and check, to which I totally disagreed.


"No buts!! I think I fell in his trap. He knew I won't come to him so easily and now everyone is in trouble..... Damn!" I was so mad at myself for being so stupid.

"It is not---------"

"Don't Julian. We both know the truth. I should have just come alone."

"That would have been stupid!"

I knew he was right but I still.......... I still felt like it was my fault.

Jeremy held my other hand before saying, "Everything will be fine. Justin and Jack both are very strong, so is Sam and Vicky........."

"Them!!" I was so focused on Lily that I didn't notice any other of them. "Can you feel any other living being here?"

Both of the brothers stopped and looked at me for some explanation.

"I can't feel anyone around. I think Dolus has somehow done something and........ God! I was having a feeling that we are not in the right place."

"So you are saying we are not in the real world or what!?"

That's exactly it. Dolus has created an illusion and we are stuck inside it.

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