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I won't let Dolus destroy my precious moment. I only want to focus on one person, the person who is in front of me, my mate, my Julian.

He leaned down more for a kiss.

I have mixed feeling, happy and nervous at the same time. But I want it. I want to feel his lips on top of mine.

However, just when our lips were going to meet, there is a knock on the door, "Hey! New King, duty is calling you." Shane said in a mischievous tone.

Dame you Shane!

I am disappointed. But someone seems more disappointed than me.

"Only if he was not your brother........" He said while stepping back.
"Need to go cub. Duty is calling."

"Sell the kingdom."

He laughed before admitting, "I am on that already." And kissed my forehead before leaving.

He opened the door and Shane showed up. I glared at him and he just raises his hands in a surrendering position.

"Ah.... Sam and Vicky were looking for you downstairs." Shane informed me before disappearing along with Julian.

Sam and Vicky!? They are on a nickname basis already! And here I was worried about them not getting along. Didn't vampires and werewolves use to hate each other?

But I am happy that I won't need to resolve fights between them.

I stepped outside the room to look for my friends, well my first friends. I have never had friends before.

I searched for them in the entire house. Well, a maid told me they must be in the garden but I still took my sweet time as I wanted to appreciate this huge and beautiful and royal and big villa.

To tell you the truth I got lost, like three times. They should build a map and name each floor and corridor so people can at least know where they are going. If they agreed to do something like this I will name my room 'Do Not Disturb'.

During my search, I found another place. I think I subconsciously was attracted towards it or I should say him.

After hours of blushing over our almost kiss-miss situation, here I am standing in front of his office, arguing with myself if I should go in or return to my room.

I really want to see him but I suppose he must be busy. I don't want to be a clingy type of girlfriend.

No.. wait... I am not his girlfriend. He never asked me to be one. So what am I right now? I get that he likes me but still......

I was debating with myself when a sudden noise scared me half to death.

"Rose, come in."

How did he knew I am here? And what about the nickname? Is he fed up of me already?

I entered the room with poker but confident face. But my face automatically led up as I saw him, sitting beside Julian.


I almost ran to him and he got up from his seat to give me a hug. First, he seems a little uncomfortable with the hug, old-fashioned brother.

"How are you? I didn't know you were  here."

"I am fine and I just reached. We needed to discuss something. But why were you standing outside for so long?"

Does he know that too? And I thought it was the mate bond. Does that mate bond do anything I have read about in books? My answer is NO.

"I thought he must be busy."

"Is he always busy and keep you waiting?"

Now he is behaving like a protective elder brother and I like it.

"Well.... he hasn't done anything like that yet. But I will let you know if I need you to beat him in the future."

With this, I and Albert started laughing.

"I will keep that in mind," Julian said while joining us.

It is not common for Julian to laugh. I thought he still must be upset about what happened with Jonathan but he seems fine.

But I still can't believe that I and my werewolf brother are teasing my vampire mate.

It seems so NORMAL. Is this my new life? Because I like it.

I was really happy but my happiness disappeared as quickly as it came.

Justin entered the office at the speed of lightning and said, "Queen died."

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