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I woke up in the black bed.

How can I let it happen?

I put my guard down in front of a stranger, not only a stranger but a super handsome and hot vampire stranger. Great!!

I need to keep my guards up. I can't trust any of them. Not even Julian, even though he had protected me, but still.

And about my siblings, I don't have a clue how I should be thinking about them. Albert and Zee don't tell me things. Mary straight away hates me and Shane...........well Shane seems nice.

But I can't trust any of them yet. I need to depend upon myself only.

With this firm determination, I adjusted in a more comfortable position to sleep for, when, 'HIDE' the voice screamed. What is going on? I have never heard it like this, like terrified.

When I was trying to figure out these things, I felt a presence. I have no clue how but I know who he is and he doesn't seem happy. I know for sure I don't like him, not sure why but I don't.

Then I heard a knock on the door. I walked straight to the door, took a deep breath and opened it before acknowledging him, "Father."

There he is standing. The man I searched for years. He feels so familiar and different at the same time. Familiar about the way he looks and different about the aura he has. You can easily point out that all my brothers took after him but us sisters have nothing, absolutely nothing in common with this man, who is giving me disgusting and dangerous looks.

"It would be king for you." He corrected me in his deep scary voice.

Wow. I have just met my father first time in my life and all he has to say is that I can't even call him father. Like what the actual fucking hell!! I know I should be upset, and believe me I am, but whole of this situation is making me more annoyed and anger then sad. Something about his presence irritates me to no extent.

I am not taking this crab and letting him behave like this to me. This won't be approved by my self-respected and stubborn side.

"RUN' the voice advised. Like hell am I running. I have waited long enough, now its show time.

"Alrighty, Mr. King. What can I do for you?" I said in a sassy tone of voice.

"First thing you can do is to remove this attitude of yours and talk to me with respect. I am a King and I deserve respect you piece of shit."

"Respect is earned dude, not deserved."

For a second all I could see was black and white tiny dots running all around and I could feel strong stringing pain in my cheek.

He just slapped me with such force, I wonder if my jaw is broken.

"You mannerless bitch!! Someone should teach you some manners."

This pain is so much to bear. Not only the physical pain but the emotional one too. This is not how I have dreamed about our reunion.

Is he still mad at me about mom's death? But still, this is not the way to treat your own daughter, even if you hate her.

"You are just like your bitchy mother. Ungrateful and ill-manned. You should be honored to have the opportunity to meet me in the first place and you......" He said getting hold of a handful of my hairs.

Bitchy mother. Ok, so my theory of them hating me because of my mother has proven wrong. So it means its because I am a human or is there another reason.

His grip on my hair tightened before he said, "You are not even apologizing. Seems like you were never taught manners."

I can't take it anymore. "Well, you weren't around to teach me. So it's your own fault." I replied to him without any fear or hesitation in my voice.

"Rose!!" that was Shane. His voice is full of fear and concern. His eyes begging me to shut up when he said in a respectful tone to his father, "Father, forgive her. She is ignorant of the basic etiquettes. But don't worry I will do a good job of teaching her. I will personally take care of -----."

"That won't be necessary." He said while releasing my hair and continued, "Follow me." That order was for me.

Before I could refuse him, Jeremy said in an honorable tone, "King, my elder brother is on his way here. If you please give us the honor to serve you for------".

"That won't be necessary. We are leaving. Now."

"I understand your majesty is extremely busy. However I just-----."

"Are you defying my orders vampire." My father said using a darker tone then before, that gave me goosebumps. I don't want to go anywhere with him.

"I won't dare to," Jeremy said bowing his head down. "However-----."

"That would be it then." He is not even willing to listen to what Jeremy wants to say. And so am I. I am not taking orders from him.

"King, with all due respect, she is my brother's ma----." Jeremy started but Shane stopped him from revealing this information. Vampires should have vampire mates. Will having a mate like me bring insult to Julian?

"I am well aware of the fact that this thing here is your brother's mate. My sympathy is with him. He deserved someone far better." My so-called father said before indicating some guards, which I haven't noticed till now, to take me with them.

I fought, believe me, I did, but it was of no use.

'Run' the voice said. 'I would have if I could' I barked back at it.

Before leaving the house, I looked back at Jeremy who looks like he will cry now and Shane who has a horrified expression on his face. They both wanted to help me but couldn't.

The guards covered my eyes and tied my hands before shoving me in a vehicle.

I am kind of getting kidnapped by my own father.

What a wonderful morning I have!

Hii, Hope you people are liking the story so far.

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It will help me a lot.

HIDDEN- Sides, Truths, SecretsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora