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What the actual fucking hell is going on here!?

I am not even sure how I exactly feel for Julian and now his own BROTHERS are blaming me for seducing them.........Like what? Did I had a memory loss or something?

I am not able to understand any of it and I wasn't even given much time. Justin couldn't keep the army away and soon was captured. He is beaten up badly.

The wolves threw him aside before capturing me.  I was super confused but that doesn't mean I will let them take me down without a fight.

I punched the first wolf and kicked the second but they outnumbered me. They pinned me to the ground before they drugged me.

No! Not the drug again. I just can't............and darkness took over.



When I woke up I didn't expect to see what I am seeing right now.

I was in a giant bedroom which was.......giant. And big and huge. Did I say royal? Because that is the perfect word to describe it. This room looks like a king's room, just like the one you see in movies.

But this is nothing that I have expected. I expected to be in a dungeon again or at least tied with ropes and stuff.

This could mean one thing JULIAN SAVED ME. Well, it must be Julian as Justin was really injured and Jack..........let's just don't talk about him.

But there is one thing that doesn't feel right. I don't know what but...... it's just there. Maybe I am tired or maybe I just can't understand what those brothers were talking about. I don't even want to think about that right now.

But still, this room seems odd. It is not black, actually, nothing here is black. The room consist of colors like red and golden, you know the royal colors, but not black.

I got up from the bed and my body feels stiff. How long was I knocked out for this time? Frankly speaking, I have no idea of date or day nowadays. That zombie attack took place on the 13th of January but after that how long I have been in the cold dungeon or what date is today.......I have no clue.

There is not even a single window in this room. So I can't tell if its day or night. That's odd too.

I decided to find the exit.

The first room I opened was the bathroom but the second got me off guard. It was a wardrobe, well calling it a wardrobe will be an understatement. It looks more like a 5-star showroom for super-rich women. Whoever this stuff belongs to must be a royal. It does match with the royal and expensive atmosphere of this room.

Now there is only one door left. It has to be the exit but to my utter surprise, IT WAS LOCKED.

Ok, I am still trapped.

I started banging on the door.

After a while, I quit.

Seriously!! Now I am very much sure that this is NOT Julian's place. He won't lock me up like that, right?

'Hide' the voice said.

Good.....This means someone is coming. I need some answers.

The door open and a man appeared. He is not too tall but had that kind of face that screams experience. He doesn't seem so elder but his eyes tell that he had a long difficult life. Just as he saw me he stopped in his steps and keep staring at me.

Ok! Why do each and every creature meet me with this kind of reaction? This is stupid.

Another man, who was still standing outside, asked, "Will she do?"

Will I do what?

This experienced man took a step towards me and said, "Yes."

"Good," the other man said before stepping in and oh God he is handsome. He stood near me and extended his hand for me to shake.

I subconsciously extended mine too. No wait girl you don't know who or what they are. They could have kidnapped me, remember the door was locked.

I tried to take my hand back. Tried.

This new tall handsome guy with chocolate brown hair and deep blue eyes is not willing to let my hand go but it is making me uncomfortable.

"Umm....nice to meet you too but would you mind letting my hand go?"

He didn't say anything, just let go of my hand and kept staring at my face. This situation is kind of similar but this guy is not Julian, and that fact hurts me. I miss him already.

"Thank you, Mr........" I said trying to get some information out of him.

"You can call me Damon or.....The Dragon King."

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