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Neither I nor that werewolf started a conversation after that.

It is suddenly so quiet. Extra quiet. Something feels wrong.

After I was trying to think what's going on, the main gate opened. Do the guards finally remember that they need to feed us?

I was thinking of a sassy comment when he showed himself.

"Shane?" It came out more like a question. I thought I am seeing things now.

"Bring her out," Shane said in a cold emotionless tone before leaving.

"Yes, prince," said guard 1 when he indicated his companions to take me out.

Whats with Shane's tone? But I know he must have a plan. He is trying to rescue me. Right?

I gave a last look to the child and her cage mate. He wished me luck before I started following Shane.

Shane is walking in front of me with two guards on both sides.

I notice one guard indicating other something.

"Prince, I think we have come the wrong way. We need to make preparations to send her to the Dragon Palace."

"No, my SISTER is not going to some stupid dragon" Shane snapped.

All of the guards gasped just like Shane has cursed inside a temple.

"Prince, you should take that back."

"Like hell he will," said Jeremy who literally came out of thin air and knocked out two guards. Rest two were taken care of by Shane.

"Well.... that was easy," Jeremy said while hugging me "I missed you so much".

"Me too. But how did you......I mean.......You just........" I can't find words for what I just saw. "Can you teleport?"

"It's not exactly teleportation. Actually, I can create a shield around me. It makes me invisible and soundproof as long as I stay inside it." That explains why I couldn't hear Julian's fight with zombies back at the Black house.

"I am glad that you people are having a good time. But you can catch up later on. We need to leave before our father finds out about any of this" Shane added in a low voice. "Now the plan is pretty simple. Jeremy will create a force field around both of you------"

"Shield" corrected Jeremy.

"He will create a SHIELD around you both and take you out of here, while I distract other guards and open doors for you people. Cool?"

"Yaa this plan sounds cool." This was said by an unexpected fourth person who came out of nowhere - Mary. "And what makes you think I will let that happen?"

"Come on Mary. Stop it."

"How did you know we will be here?" asked Jeremy while eyeing Shane.

"Boy, are you saying I betrayed you?"

"I didn't say anything."

"But that is what you are thinking."

"Now you can read minds too just like your brother Zee."

"Zee can read minds!? No, wait, this is not the time for that. We need to leave now" I said.

"Of course you do." Mary said.

"Mary I know you hate me-----"


"God seriously------"

"Hey, you can't talk to my sister-in-law like that!"


"Someone is coming. You need to leave" Zee said while entering the scene.

"Where did you come from?" I asked when I am focusing on the mark on his eye. This is the same mark I saw in my dream.

"Take care of her" Zee said to Jeremy before pushing me in his direction. What's up with him? He seems to be in a bad mood.

I lost my balance but Jeremy caught me. He holds both my arms and closes his eyes.

Suddenly I can see the energy coming out of him. It is transparent in color, just like a glass, but it is present there. Soon his energy forms a ball around us. I extended my right hand to touch it.

"What are you doing?" Jeremy asked looking curiously at me.

"Your energy is beautiful."

"What? You can see it?"

"Follow Shane. He will take you out of this place" commanded Zee. He couldn't hear us.

"You people are crazy" Mary murmured before leaving the place.

"Let's go" Shane started walking and we followed him.


He leads us to another room and stood near a window before saying "Jump".

"Jump. Its 15th floor. You must be kidding me."

"Don't worry. He will catch you" Jeremy assures me.


"Just jump quickly. They are coming here" Shane said while he pushed me. I fall from the window and closed my eyes.

But he caught me.

"I won't let you get hurt, ever."

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