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Waiting for the attack that never reached me, curiosity got the best of me and I opened my eyes, only to find a back. Not just an ordinary back, the most beautiful back I have ever seen. I know it's cheesy but still.

The guy in front of me is tall with broad shoulders and black hair. I can't see his face but I bet on my life that it is beautiful. I moved my right hand up to touch his back but stopped when I hear a dangerous voice coming out of him.

Then I hear the same voice of the thing who was chasing me before.

I almost forgot about it. That voice brought back all the fear that has left my body, after my encounter with 'him' or with his aura I should say.

I move a little to the side, trying to look at what that monster is doing. But before I can comprehend anything, the monster attacked.

I scream loudly and close my eyes again, hands on my ears, as that will be able to protect me.

Even after a while, I am standing in the same position, unharmed. I slowly open my eyes only to find a pair of beautiful brown eyes looking back at me.

I looked, stared, at him like he is the only person on the entire planet. He is wearing a plain black t-shirt and blue jeans and is standing about ten feet away from me. He is also looking at me, with his curiosity filled eyes.

Our staring session continued for a while. But when I was going to speak something, I noticed it.

The monster, it is on the ground near his feet, dead. Well, it seems dead to me but I am not sure.

I look back up. This time focusing on his face, not to appreciate it, instead to find the answers of some unasked questions.

He did the same, searched my face for any kind of reaction. When I didn't give him what he wanted, he took a step forward, carefully, almost like he don't want to scare me. Well scaring me further is not even possible. I am already scared to death but somehow his presence calms me down. I don't know why.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that he has come so near me. I didn't move. My body has stopped listening to me ever since I saw that monster.

I looked at its body again, which is not showing any signs of life, and asked: " What is it?" I asked it mostly to myself and was not expecting him to reply. Which he did by saying, "A zombie."

His voice is so sweet, it is like a melody to my ears, the sweetest melody I have ever heard.

But wait, a what? A zombie? I give him the look saying that he has lost his mind. He ignores it and checks me up like searching for some kind of injury.

"You are not hurt." He said.

It was more like a statement than a question. His eyes find mine again and I felt that strange push and pull feeling, again.

To distract myself I confirmed, "Yes, I am fine. Thank you." If my voice has the same effect on him as his voice has on me, he hid it well.

He just gave me a small nod before saying, "Follow me."

God! His voice. I am ready to follow him to hell.

Wait. Get a grip on yourself girl. Even though he is handsome enough to kill for, you can't trust him. You have just met him.

I took a deep breath and said, "Um...thanks for your help.......but I think I will be fine on my own." I am proud of myself for keeping my voice calm. But all the calmness went to drain when his features darkened.

"I said, follow me."

Okay, now he is making me mad.

"And I said I will be fine on my own," I said, matching his scary tone.

No matter how much handsome he is, I am not taking orders from him.

Just as I turned around I hear another scary sound.

First I thought it's him but I knew I was wrong when I saw another zombie coming towards us.

It was running but when it saw this Mr. Black guy near me he almost seems scared himself.

I glanced back at him too, he is glaring at the zombie.

Who is this guy?

All my questions left my mind when he put his arm around my shoulder, as protecting me from the bad-bad world out there.

"Close your eyes" he commanded.

I did the same without even thinking twice. Something tells me he can and will protect me.

'Do as he says' even the voice is on his side.

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