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Are fucking kidding me? I can't even count how many times I have been unconscious till now. I am such a fool to trust everyone around me.

Why would everyone hate me so much to betray me each and every time? What sin have I committed?

I just wanted to find my family. I just wanted a place to call home. Did I demand too much?

I wake up, crying. I quickly wipe off my tears.

I don't want anyone to see me like this. I don't want them to think that I am weak. Everyone uses a weak person. A weak person can't even protect themselves, let alone their loved once.

And I do not wish to be a weak person.

I noticed my surroundings. I am in a bedroom, as royal as the Demon's. Did he catch us escaping?

However, this place seems different. I can't point it out but this is a different place, I am sure of that.

Just then I saw a girl entering my room. She bowed her head towards me before saying, "Good morning, princess."

Then she stepped outside to say, "Princess is awake. Inform the Queen." with this she closed the door.

What just happened? What have I gotten myself into this time?

I was trying to understand what is going on but a woman entered the room. She is wearing a white silk gown and a crown on her head.

Wow, she takes all the king - queen game really seriously.

But her face. She resembles her so much, but how is this possible. Who is she?

But all the questions left my mind when I saw him.

"You jerk!" I cursed Dolus and jumped in his direction. "How dare you betray me?"

He is saved by the maids who are holding me back, tightly.

"I told you she got her temper from her father, your highness," Dolus said while bowing his head.

"You better shut it before I do you the favor." As I said it and everyone in the room seems scared all together. What now?

The maids left me and started rubbing their hands on their clothes. Now they are saying I am some kind of impure or what?

Dolus notice my confusion and said, "Your eyes."

"What about my eyes? Don't their eyes change too?"

"Yours are black right now."

"So. They have always been bla------"
Then I get it. "Don't say it. Please don't say that I am in bright land right now."

"I like how smart you are."

Oh no. Not the bright land.

Julian told me they are not even allowed to cross borders. Do I get a free pass because I am a hybrid?

"You do."

"How did you know?..........You can read minds.........and control them. That's why Damon trusted you so blindly."

"I told you she is smart," he said to the elegant lady.

I ignored her piecing graze and asked Dolus, "How long have you been planning this?"

"Since long long ago."

"You better give me proper answers or I------."

"What will you do?"

He is right. I can't do anything. I can't fight someone like him. He is too much for me to handle alone.

"I am going back."

"Back? Where? There where your own father is trying to sell you out. Or there where your so-called brother killed your mother. Or there where that Dragon King wants to sacrifice you for his own mate. You don't even know that you need to sacrifice yourself to make a dead person alive, do you?"

Sacrifice yourself?? Did my mother sacrifice herself for me?

"She kind of did. But she didn't die. She was really powerful. Just like the real queen. Right, Queen?"

He asked the elegant woman, who is still staring at me.

Queen. This queen resembles the woman in my dream, my mother, so much.

"How are we related?" I directly ask the Queen.

"I am your aunt."

Holy crab.

This is getting more and more complicated.

"So you are my mother's elder sister."


"Oh ok.......... No, wait a second. Is this what it was all about?"

Dolus laughed before saying, "I told you she is smart."

"You sacrificed my mother because you wanted to be the Queen!! And Dolus helped you, didn't he?" Tears started building in my eyes but I held them back. "But she was your mate! How!? Why!?"

"Who said I am her real mate? Remember the story I told you? Remember the wizard in the story? I am that wizard."

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