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The second I stepped out of the safety of the black room, I regretted my decision. There are about ten to fifteen people in this room, glaring at each other.

If focused more, I can see them forming two groups, facing each other.

I instantly searched for the only person I know here. And then I spotted his back.

I am standing behind Julian and can't see his face but he doesn't seem happy to me.

The group Julian is standing with is relatively smaller, consisting of only three other members and the opposite side has rest of the support.

But what scares me is not the huge amount of unknown faces, its the tension in the air.

I can almost feel the anger and hatred they feel for each other just by the look in their eyes. They are not having a pleasant conversation and this is pissing Julian off. How do I know that? I am not sure.

"Hide' the voice said. I couldn't understand the reason until I felt his eyes on me.

I don't know him. It's the first time I have seen him and believe me I want it to be our last meeting too.

He is tall with brown hair and brown eyes. He is the part of the opposition party, standing in the center, head to head with Julian. I have a gut feeling that we won't get along.

His eyes, examining me with a strange look in them when he started biting his lips, almost in a seductive way.

This earned him a loud growl from Julian, as in order to warn him.

This situation is giving me chills but my legs started to feel numb when his eyes met mine. They are black now, same as the zombie's I met before.

I wanted to start screaming but my body froze. I am getting goosebumps all over and even breathing became a very difficult task.

I was trying to calm myself down when I hear Julian saying, "Take her inside". I was not sure to whom it was directed until a guy standing beside Julian starts moving.

He turned around and noticed me. Something made him hesitate but he made his way towards me, slowly. He stopped a few steps away from me and hesitated again like he is not sure what to do.

Another warning from Julian and he walked passed me, indicating me to follow him.

Now it is my turn to hesitate. I glanced back at the strong back of Julian, trying to decide what to do.

'Follow him' the voice said. I took a deep breath and followed this new guy, back to the old black room.

The new guy shut the door behind me.

He is still looking at me curiously like I am some kind of masterpiece placed in a museum.

I am standing near the big black bed and he is guarding the door, however, his eyes have never left me, not for a millisecond.

This is getting awkward, no need to mention how creepy too.

I am trying not to focus on him but he is making it difficult.

After a while, he said, "I am Jeremy. You are?"

His voice sounds so similar to Julian but so different at the same time. It was the first time I noticed how similar his looks are to Julian too. The similar pair of brown eyes and black hair. His height, physical appearance, and his aura everything is so familiar but so different. I am not attracted to him in the way I was attracted to Julian, that's for sure. I don't feel that pull with this guy.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice him coming near me. He took a few steps but then stops, raising one eyebrow, still waiting for my reply.

"Rose" I simply answered not sure if I should be trusting him or not.

He nodded his head before giving me a big smile. Their smiles are also the same. I smiled a little myself. He seems safe, for now.

"Well, I am really glad to finally meet you sister-in-law. Julian has been waiting for you for a long time. I am happy that you people have finally met. He had lost all his hopes to find you a long time ago. I am sure everyone else is going to love you too." He said, as excited as a little child, almost jumping.

On the contrary, I am dumb stuck. It is like I forget how to even speak.

Sister-in-law? Me?

All the information he has provided me felt like a bouncer ball in cricket, going over my head.

This dude is mistaken, badly.

Just when I found my tongue back and was going to correct this super excited kid, his expressions changed as he tilted his head just like hearing something.

The kid, who was bouncing in front of me a second ago, is gone now and is replaced by a serious adult.

"We need to go out," he said with a serious tone.

Go out? To those zombies? Did they found out I am not the person they have been waiting for and has decided that I am not worth the effort?

God, now I am on my own.

And I am not going down without a fight.

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