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The Dragon King.

Finally, my father succeeds in selling me.

Now I am angry. I folded my arms across my chest and asked in a serious tone, "So, why would THE DRAGON KING kidnap me?"

I thought he would be mad but he smiled instead and said, "We both know that you weren't kidnapped baby doll. So cut the crab. Let's start again. Hi! I am Damon, the dragon king" before sitting on the couch.

"Hi, Damon! You already know who I am so let's just cut the crab and get to the point. Why am I here?" I asked after sitting opposite to him.

"I like her."

"Thanks but the feeling is not mutual. So again, Why. Am. I. Here?"

"I need your help."

Ok, I didn't expect him to say that. How can I help THE DRAGON KING? "Well, this is not the way to ask for someone's help."

"This is my way," he said and winked at me.

Ok, it's official now, I don't like him. But at least he hasn't tied me in a cold dungeon like my own father.

"So, what do you think?"

"Do I look like I have another option?"

"I like you. I will try not to break you."

What? Try not to break me? He is another psycho. God, when can I meet a normal person?
"I'm thankful. So....what exactly do you want me to do?"
Maybe he will let me go after I complete the task. But according to most novels, he will ask me to pretend to be his queen or something for one reason or another and I am NOT doing anything like that.

"I want you to make my mate alive again."

"Come again...." I really did not expect him to said that. "I.......make your mate alive........What? How? A dead person is dead. What can I do about it?"

"Some creatures have the unique power to make dead people alive. Your mother had, so do you."

"My mother? How is that possible? Making dead people alive?"

"Your mother did that miracle, that's why you are alive."


"You really don't know anything, do you? Listen I don't have time to tell you stories----------"

I interpreted him and said, "If you didn't help me I'm not helping you either."

He stared at me for the longest time and then started laughing. "Now I get what your father meant. You are a difficult one. But sweetheart you are in my region right now, you have to do what I ask" he said while standing up.

"Try me!" I also stood up. "And don't give me nicknames."

He just laughed again before saying, "Ok, you win cupcake. But Dolus will be the better person for this task and he will also tell you how you will make my mate alive. So that's a win-win." He indicated towards the experienced person and said, "Take care of her and make this happen fast. You know I am not a patient person." And with that, he left the room.

Now there are only two people. And party 2 is doing a great job of making party 1, me, super awkward. I am the kind of person who gets embarrassed and feel awkward very easily but this guy is crossing the line. For the past half hour, he is staring me blankly and he is not even replying to me.

Ok now, that's enough. But before I could speak again he said, "You resemble Rosemary so much that for a second I thought you are really her."


"Your mother."

Yaa I figured that much. Rose and Mary = Rosemary. That's smart naming. "Do I resemble her that much?" Knowing that I resemble my mother is making me happy.

"Yes. So much that if it wasn't for the mate bond I would have thought she came back to life and I am not only talking about appearance, your aura is........your sister is not the same."

"Did you just say mate bond?"

"Yes, I am your mother's mate."

Ok, that's the biggest shock........ever. But I know he is not lying. But that is just too much to accept! "You are lying, aren't you?"

"You already know that I am not."

"Okkk.....so you are saying you are my father!?"

"No. Unfortunately, I am not."

"So my mother married someone other than her mate....why?" I don't want even think about anyone other the Julian.

"She was forced. Your father kind of gets whatever he wants."

"Yaa that I know. But you didn't stop him?"

"I did but.....I was just an old merchant and he was the king. I couldn't protect her."

His eyes told me he is really sad. God this is crazy. Crazier than finding out that werewolves and vampires existed.

He sat down where Damon was sitting and I slowly retreated to my place.

"What exactly happened?"

"It is a long story."

"I am all ears. I want to know everything. Each and every detail. Just everything."

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