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Justin got up from his seat and come near me before leaning in for a kiss.

Did he lose his mind?

I put my hands on his chest, pushing him backward, trying to stop him. "I think I should sleep for a while." Till this moment his eyes have turned totally black. He ignored me, hold my waist and pull me in his direction.

I tried my best to fight him but he is just too strong for me to handle on my own.

But I need to do something.

I closed my eyes concentrating on my power, which I don't even know if works or not.

"Concentrate," the voice said. I am trying.

Now I could feel his breaths on my face.

No no no no. I can't let him take my first kiss. For God's sake, he is my mate's brother.

I will NOT let it happen.

Just then I could feel my power flowing out me and I heard a loud bang. I opened my eyes just to see Justin far away from me, near a broken tree.

First I thought either Jack came back or Julian found us and helped me but there was no one except us two.

So it was me?

Suddenly Justin got up, looked in my direction and ran into the forest.

I don't know was that a good or a bad thing.

Good because I don't know what I would have said to him and bad because I am now alone in a forest where some wolfs are trying to capture me. Lovely.

I don't know what should I do. I can't even comprehend what just happened.

I am not sure which thing shocked me more - Justin's sudden change in behavior or the fact that I used my power to knock him out.

I went inside the cave and for, what seems like hours, I kept thinking about my position. I don't want to stay alone but I don't know what I will say to Jack, Justin or especially Julian if any of them showed up.

I am tired and exhausted. I took a blanket and laid down. I wasn't planning to sleep, as I was alone right now, but I didn't notice when sleep took over me.

After a while,

I heard noises. First I ignored it but then I remembered my situation and got up with a jerk.

And then I just prayed it to be a dream.

Justin was standing in front of the cave, preventing an army of wolves from entering the cave, all alone. I couldn't see Jack or Julian anywhere. Are they not here yet?

I should help him. He can't fight all of them alone.

I stand behind him, closed my eyes and tried to focus. But it is not working. I couldn't do anything. I tried again and again and again but it was of no use. My stupid power suddenly decided that it doesn't want to help me.

"You people said you won't hurt my brother!" said Jack who was standing behind the wolf army.

What is he doing? Why is he not helping us? And what do he mean by this? Did he just betray us!?

"Shut up, you idiot!" Julian screamed. "I will protect you so you better keep this incident away from Julian's ears" the last part was for me.

Is Justin still trying to protect Jack? Why? He just betrayed us.

"Why don't you just let them have her!?" asked Jack in a frustrated voice.

"She is our elder brother's mate!"

"Oh is she!? Is that it? Are you sure? Come on buddy you know you can't hide stuff from me! Can't you see what she is trying to do? She is Julian's mate but she made Jeremy fall for her. He even had a fight with Julian for her and now her target is you! Every female is the same."

What the actual hell? Why did Jeremy fight with Julian for me? What is going on?

"Oh yaa! Are you doing this because all of us three brothers are fighting for her or because you can't resist her either!?" Justin said while throwing another wolf away.

"That's why we need to get rid of her!"

"No, that's why we need to protect her!"

God!!! What the actual fucking hell!!! What exactly is going on here?

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