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But I can't talk to him right now. I will not be able to talk to him right now.

Instead, I told Jonathan, "I am so sorry for your loss."

Jonathan, who had no clue about the situation, suddenly changed his expressions from confused to serious, just as he understood what exactly happened. "You saw THAT!?"

Julian's reaction showed how shocked he is by the tone of his brother. "What's that?"

"You were right Jonathan." I begin in a gentle voice, "She didn't commit suicide. She was murdered......."

Julian squished my hand, trying to stop me from saying anything further, but I need to tell Jonathan everything she wanted to tell him when she was.......

"She didn't break her promise. Amy didn't quit. She was murdered. She just wanted to tell you to not blame yourself--------"

Jonathan is really angry now. "I saw her killing herself with my own eyes. If this is some trick-------"

"I am not lying." I got up from my seat.

With this Julian stepped between us, trying to shield me from his own brother. "I think we should stop here and---------"

"She was pregnant." I suddenly remember, "It is something just both of you knew, right?......... Please believe me."

For a whole minute, none of us moved.

"Who!?" Jonathan seems like he wants to murder every person present in this room, as others heard our love-filled discussions and showed up to see the show.
"If you also think she was murdered, WHO did it!?"

Also. He also knows that his mate didn't quit. He still trusts her. I am glad but I am aware that he will not think twice before going after the murderer, but that won't be wise.

"You can't kill him just like that....... we need some help and--------"


"Dolus." Julian replied in my place, "The same first born I told you about." Julian can read me really well.

"WHERE CAN I FIND HIM!?" Jonathan asked me directly. He is going after him. It is very dangerous. I can't let him.

"H-how will I know?"

Julian, who is still standing between us, noticed the hesitation in my voice and hold my hand.

Jonathan also noticed it and tried to calm down. His eyes are no longer black. "How can you don't know!? Use your power."

"I am new to this power and stuff. Also even if you find him you can't kill him."

Now that he is a little calmer, he can see sense in my talk.

"So, how do we kill him?"

"How will I know that?"

"So, you can see past, manipulate people, block Dolus out and calm an angry creature down, but you can't find how do we kill that jerk!?"

"I calmed you down? When? How?"

Jonathan gave me a look as I am speaking an alien language. He was going to saying something mean, I know that was mean, but Julian interrupted by saying, "She really has no clue how to use her powers yet."

With this, Jonathan lost it. He picked up the couch and threw it to the far corner of the room. He is angry again. I need to calm him down but how? I had no clue that I can do something like that too.

But I didn't get the chance.

Jonathan, looking super pissed, ran out of the house.

"Go after him." Jeremy obeyed Julian's command and followed his eldest brother out.

Great! I just destroyed the reunion of two brothers. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

Julian, still holding my hand, took me to my room. He was silent the whole way and looked depressed.

"Are you feeling fine now?"

I wipe off my tears before saying, "I am. Are you?"

"I am fine." Lier. He is upset.

"I am sorry."

"That was not anyone's fault. Jonathan...... he....... he had a very hard time....... after her death. Believe me..... he didn't mean that."

Is he defending his brother? He doesn't need to. I am not upset at all.

"I know. But what now?"

"Now you will have some rest until I finish some work."

"King work?"

"Don't get me started on that. If I just could transfer my position to any of my or your brother, life would be so peaceful."

"My brother? Are you people getting along now?"

"I NEED to get along with them, they are your family after all."

My family. That sounds so odd. I am not used to this term.

"Is your family fine with me? After all, I am a wolf and a hybrid on top of that......"

"It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. I am not letting you go unless you want me to." After saying this Julian kissed my hand.

God! He is making me blush. I am a shy person, don't do that with me. My heart can't take it.

But how can I leave a chance to flirt with him?

"Then you will have to bear me for rest of my life." I put my arms around his neck and stand on my toes so our faces are really close.

"With pleasure." He leaned down, putting his hands on my waist, just where Dolus did. Just a mere thought of Dolus gave me chills.

Julian notices that and freezes on his spot.

"Nothing happened......... with Dolus." I don't know why I say that but I just needed to. Maybe I was trying to tell that more to me than Julian.

"I know. Don't think about that cub."

He is right. I can't let Dolus destroy this precious moment. I pushed him out of my mind and focused on the person in front of me, my mate, my Julian.

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