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I was descending the stairs, ready for school. As I reached down, I saw Naira feeding Ahana, dad busy on his phone and Aatish and Sahil fighting over a piece of bacon!

Hey....a fight over a bacon!!

Without me....

Not fair!!

I got an idea and walked towards my brothers. They were so much engrossed in their fight that they did not notice me grabbing the piece of bacon from the plate.

"Thanks bros", I said stuffing the bacon in my mouth.

They both turned to look at me. Their faces had the most painful countenance on them.

"No Siya...!!", Aatish said.

"My bacon", Sahil said sadly.

I giggled.

"Sorry bros", I said them and pulled their cheeks.

"So whats goin' on guys?", dad asked, reaching us from behind.

We turned to look at him.

"Siya ate my bacon", Sahil complained.

Dad glared at me(it was a fake glare😉😉). I looked down in fear but then, we both started laughing.

"This is not fair!", Sahil complained.

"Its absolutely unfair", Aatish continued.

I stuck out my tongue to them.

Dad laughed.

I and Aatish looked at dad.

We both hugged dad.

Dad reciprocated the hug.

"Thanks for the gifts dad", I and Aatish said hugging dad.

Dad released the hug.

"You don't have to say that", dad said.

"I had always wanted a camera", Aatish said.

"And I a pendant", I continued.

Dad chuckled.

"Honestly....its not me who bought those gifts. Naira bought them. I am sorry but your birthday completely slipped off my mind. I was so much busy in engagement preparations that I almost, actually completely forgot about your birthday. I didn't do it intentionally and I am still guilty about it....(sighs) But you know that I love you, right?", dad asked looking at us with an apologetic expression on his face.

I and Aatish nodded. Dad smiled and pulled our cheek.

Naira came rushing from behind.

"Oh no! You guys are still here?! C'mon its 8:00...the school starts in 20 minutes", Naira reminded us, giving us our lunch boxes and hanging the water bottle around Sahil and Ahana's neck.

"Oh God! I am sorry....I completely forgot. Kids come on... get your butts into the car seats now", dad ordered and we rushed out towards the car.


We reached school just five minutes before. We are on time, no scope for diary note. Dad pulled over near the entrance gate and all of us got out of the car. I was the last one to get out. I saw dad walking behind me.

I turned back and he stopped, taking out his sunglasses.

"Why are you coming behind me dad?", I asked confused.

"I am gonna talk to the principal about that boy....whats his name?....Yes Aarav....I am gonna get him a detention for sure", dad replied, anger visible in his tone.

I sighed.

Dad will be Dad.....

I walked towards him.

"Dad....do you remember the first thing that mom taught me when I was six?", I asked him.

Dad looked at me for few seconds and sighed.

"Yeah...to be strong and brave enough to fight any situation", dad replied, looking quite upset as he realised my intentions .

"Yeah dad....and today I wanna prove myself to mom....I'm grateful that you have been so supportive and protective about me dad, but I have grown up now and I think I should do this because this is MY fight against Aarav", I explained dad, hoping he would understand me.

"But what if-", dad began to say but I shot him my puppy eyes and guess what! It worked....it always works on my dad.

"Okay", he replied, quite unsure about his answer.

"I'll be okay dad", I said hugging him tight.

"Your mom would be so proud of you", dad said irrelevantly, as he hugged me tighter.

I released the hug.

"I guess....I'm getting late....bye dad", I said as I waved him bye.

"Bye sweetpea", dad waved me back.

I walked into the entrance gate and joined my group of friends that Aarav blocked my way. He was chewing chewing gum.

"I'm extremely sorry about yesterday Siya...I not at all meant what I said yesterday....I...I love you ", Aarav literally begged in front of me.

"And I hate you....lemme make it very clear Aarav Malhotra....lust can never turn into love and love doesn't mean taking advantage...If you had loved me, you would've never done what you did last night....and you better keep your man inside your pants because even animals don't get turned on like you", I back answered him with sass.

It could be said that he was shocked at my outburst.

I shot him my last glare and started walking away from him.

"Mind your words Miss Siya Goenka....don't do anything that you'll regret later....I am damn sure that you'll walk back to me again and fall on my feet, apologising ", Aarav said from behind.

I turned back to him and started walking towards him. Aarav smirked.

I reached him.

"I am so sorry Aarav", I said while Aarav smirked.

And it was then when I hit him in the balls with my knee. He fell on the ground, holding his balls and groaning in pain.

He looked at me with eyes full of hatred.

"Better not mess with me", I said glaring at him and walked away from him, with my head held high.

KAIRA FF: ♡♡ PYAAR KE LIYE ♡♡[✔]Where stories live. Discover now