Chapter 4

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Khushi was shocked will be an understatement. The exact reason for her forced marriage was now revealed and she was in a shock to believe that her love Arnav dint trust her. She was thought to be a cheater. He had called her a number of names but him thinking her to be a cheat was never expected. That too after all those wonderful moments they spent together during pre wedding rituals. After having feelings for each other. What more was left to hear, thought Khushi.

This brought uncontrollable tears from her eyes and she was crying badly. Arnav couldnt do anything than to keep quiet and give her time to absorb everything. Arnav left her hands and sat beside her on the bench waiting for her to say something.

After a few minutes of crying, Khushi finally found her voice. She said, 'I need some time alone Arnavji. Please drop me home. And you too leave to Shantivan today'.

Arnav surely did not expect this! He expected Khushi to yell at him for all this. He thought she would fight with him. But No! She was calmer than before. Suddenly he felt she was not the old Khushi whom he knew. She was new. Mature, calm and composed. Why? Where is that Khushi who fights for her rights?
Suddenly Arnav panicked. 'Is she distancing herself from me?'

'Khushi, please listen to me. You cant push me away', said Arnav only to be intervened by Khushi.

'You listen to me! I dont want to hear anything more. I said I need time so please give me that,' snapped Khushi. 'I can take the blame for not informing you earlier about Shyamji. I can take the blame for taking risk in Anjaliji's life by giving him another chance. But I can never accept the mistrust you showed on me. Did I really seem like such a cheap character to you?'

'Khushi its not that..,' said Arnav again to be intervened.

'Mr.Raizada, dint I tell you to drop me home and leave me alone? I need time', shouted Khushi with a stern face and got up from the bench and started walking towards the car with Arnav following behind.

Their journey back was filled with Khushi's calm composure and Arnav's guilty gaze on her. He wondered what was going on in Khushi's mind. For the first time he could not decipher what she felt by looking into her eyes. They were empty. Her face had lost all the charm. It dint glow anymore. Her beautiful smile was gone. Her lips were pursed towards each other. He so wanted to know what is she thinking. But he dint dare to utter a word and increase her anger. He knew she was hurt and she needed time. He was ready to endure any punishment that she gives him. But leaving her was not what he thought about ever. He loves her. How could he leave her. But right now he had no choice. He had to respect her decision.

If she asks him to leave her, he would do it but he was also sure that we would woo her back at any cost. He is ready to serve any punishment. He just hoped that this temporary separation brings permanent togetherness in their lives.
Yes! He decided that it wont be a contract marriage anymore. She will be his' forever. And he shall make sure that it remains so.

With that determination his car stopped outside the gates of Gupta house for Khushi to get down. She unlocked her seat belt and rushed inside the house not turning back. Arnav felt his heart break again seeing her state. He too needed time. The happenings of today drained him completely. Hence he drove towards the highway for a long drive for a peace of mind. Right now only that can provide him solace.

Khushi's state was nothing but a broken glass piece that couldnt be mended back. She was happy that Arnav is now aware of the truth about Shyam. But she was uncomfortable with the information that he knew Shyam was a fraud long ago and he misunderstood her too and took such a drastic step.

'Couldnt he trust me? A mere confrontation would have cleared everything! How could I love a man who had no trust in me?', cried Khushi sitting on the bed with her knees curled up.

'Kyun Arnavji! Kyun', was all she could question him.

She thought of asking Arnav on his face about all these but she stopped herself because she did not want to take a decision when she was angry. She did not want to repeat the same mistake that Arnav did. Yes she is Khushi who thinks of others while speaking something. Not Arnav to be impulsive. Hence she asked him to drop her back as she needed some lone time. So that she could think about themselves.

Her marriage was contract based. It had an expiry date. But her love towards Arnav is immortal. She would love him till she dies. But right now, she dint know what to do. She no more can trust him. Any action that he does towards her will lead her to think what was the purpose behind it. She cannot live her life free. This incident will always prick her. Can she forgive him ever? That was a question which had no answer from her.

Her love for Arnav was on one side and the mistrust he showed was on the other. But the love overpowered at that moment and all of a sudden, the words she said to Arnav sucked in. 'I need some time alone Arnavji. Please drop me home. And you too leave to Shantivan today'.

She told him to leave to Shantivan. Where was he? Did he really leave? Wiping her tears she searched for him in the whole household. She asked buaji to which she replied, 'Arre Sankadevi! Dint you both go together? I thought since you returned back Arnav babua was also back resting in the room!'

That was when buaji noticed the tear strains on her niece's face. She worriedly asked, 'Did something happen between you both? Did u fight with him? Cant you keep yourself under control than always fighting with him? Where did Arnav babua go?' (Buaji doesnt know yet that her niece grew up within hours and became a more sensible person than she thought)

Khushi dint know what to reply but she couldnt let buaji worry now. Hence she said with a fake smile, 'Nothing like that buaji. It was a small and silly fight. We will resolve it'. Buaji sensed something was really wrong but she did not want to come between a husband and wife when she assured her that she would resolve it. Hence she asked Khushi to take care and left from there.

Now Khushi was worried about Arnav. 'Where did he go at this hour? If I tell him to leave out of anger, does that really mean he should leave without informing anyone?' thought Khushi.

She called him. Though she was angry on him, she could not resist herself from calling him and know whether he was fine. She loved him. No she still loves him. This one incident can never wipe off the love she has for him.

Arnav was sitting on the bonnet of his car with his knees curled up in the middle of a deserted road and was in deep thoughts until a loud ring of phone brought him out of his thoughts. He was about to ignore the call when he saw Khushi's name being displayed on the screen.

Arnav immediately answered the call wondering why Khushi called him. Was it Khushi or someone else from Gupta house? Was Khushi fine? His heart beat was very rapid until he heard her voice and he left his breath which he dint know he was holding. As soon as he answered, she knocked him up with her usual rant, 'Arnavji! Where are you? Where did you go at this hour? Shantivan jaane ko kaha maine. Lekin aise bina bataye nahin. (I told to leave for Shantivan but not without informing)'. However hard she tries, she can never stop worrying about his safety.

Arnav was silently listening to her smiling inwardly about the concern she showed upon him. Khushi is always Khushi. No matter how much angry she was, she never fails to show her concern towards her loved ones. Loved ones? Does Khushi really love him? After all this? Now that was one more thing which he needs to know. But that can wait, thought Arnav.

Meanwhile Khushi on the other side, getting no reply from Arnav, asked, 'Arnavji aap theek hain? (Are u fine?)'

That brought Arnav out of his thoughts.
'Khushi main theek hoon (i am fine). I dint go to Shantivan yet. I am coming there. I will inform your family and then leave', saying this Arnav cut the call relieved that Khushi was atleast on talking terms with him but he has to wait for her forgiveness which he was sure he would get soon. Little did he know that this time he would see a different Khushi, infact the same Khushi whom he saw at first who knows how to answer back and fight for her rights, not the changed Khushi whom he saw after marriage.

I know you might be wondering why Khushi dint blast at him. Lets give her time. That doesnt mean that she forgave him. She can never do that. Her actual outburst will come in later chapters!
Happy reading!
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