Chapter 23

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'Lavanyaji', shrieked Khushi elated to see her best friend after so long.

Both the friends shared a quick hug before getting interrupted by others. Anjali greeted Lavanya warmly when she congratulated her for her pregnancy.

'Miss. Tiptop! Hello hi to India, Bye bye to London? Kaisan ho? (How are you?)', Mami could not contain her excitement seeing Lavanya there who was her partner once who gave tips to her regarding makeup.

Lavanya smiled and greeted all, when she saw Nani standing a little far from them. She neared her and  bent down to touch Nani's feet and took her blessings. Nani was impressed that Lavanya dint forget the values taught by Khushi yet and the little doubt she had on her mind on seeing her again in their lives just flew away. But still one fear remained. Now, Khushi was Arnav's wife. Will Lavanya's entry create problems for them? She dint want that for her Chotte! He was happy in his life. Little did she know what a volcano he created in his and Khushi's life already and he needed no third person to ruin it more. He has done enough damage already.

Lavanya was chatting away happily with the ladies when she felt a pair of eyes ogling at her. She slowly turned her head to get a glimpse of who was stalking her. To her surprise, she found none. Dismissing it away to be her illusion, she continued talking to Anjali. But Khushi noticed the person admiring Lavanya and excused herself from the group.

'Nanhe ji', Khushi gently patted NK's back to get his attention towards her.

'Khushiji, you want something?'

'No, what are you doing here? That too ogling at Lavanyaji?'

'Lavanyaji? Who is she?'

'Arre Nanhe ji, the one sitting there and the one who caught your attention since she entered', Khushi pointed to Lavanya. Khushi smiled slyly at NK.

'Lavanya. Nice name. Suits her', whispered NK to himself but Khushi's ears were sharp enough to listen to what he said.

'Nice name? Wah Nanheji! Why do I think that you like her?' She was prepared to tease him to the fullest.

NK was embarrassed to get caught. That too to Khushi who can never keep a secret to herself. Still he answered her genuinely.

'No, I mean she looks good. So wanted to know her. By the way, it seems I am the only one who doesnt know her here', NK pouted sadly.

'Nanhe ji, she is my best friend. I used to teach her all traditional things when she was in RM'

'RM? Why was she there? And what were you teaching her? I dont understand anything', NK was confused how was Lavanya related. He was scratching his head to get the head and tail of the situation.

Before Khushi could answer his questions, NK interrupted, 'Arre wah! Seems like Nannav knows her well! Is she his friend? Or a model? Look at him how casual he is with her!'

Khushi turned towards them and then the reality stuck her. She was actually in a place where Lavanya was supposed to be.
Out of the blue, she felt guilty. Sure, the dynamics have changed between her and Arnav and between Lavanya and Arnav too. But still she never knew the exact reason why they broke up. Had she and Arnav were happily married, she would not have been this guilty. But something dint feel right seeing Lavanya hugging Arnav. Seeing them happily hugging and greeting pricked something inside her heart. She was jealous or guilty?She dint know. She was battling with her own thoughts!

'Khushiji, where are you lost?'NK brought her out of her thoughts.

'Sorry Nanheji, I just...', she fumbled with her words.

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