Chapter 32

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It was evening and the Raizada Mansion glowed in all glory. Anjali was wearing a beautiful red saree with a pallu over her head, and receiving all the congratulatory remarks and also blessings from the ladies who attended the function.

Akash, NK and Arnav had a constant eye on Shyam.

Nani and Mami were receiving the guests when Mami observed Khushi urging Payal to take rest and not to roam around the house.

'She is right Payal. It is not good for you to do all these chores in first trimester. It is known to be the most crucial period of pregnancy and I dont want anything to happen to you and my grandchild', Manorama joined the two, chiding her daughter-in-law for not getting adequate rest.

'I am fine Maaji. I am getting bored sitting at a place', Payal pouted earning a giggle from Khushi.

'What did the doctor say?' Manorama urged to know whether she had any complication.

Payal's hands automatically rose to her belly while Khushi had almost started to cry, both remembering the disastrous incident that took place the previous day.

'By god's grace, both are safe and fine. I cant even imagine the loss we would have to incur after yesterday if something bad had happened', Khushi teared.

Payal smacked her forehead as that was a secret kept away from everyone else and Khushi let it loose in front of the only person who had the power to publicise it. Ofcourse next to Khushi herself!

'What?' Manorama gasped wondering what had happened.

'Maaji, its nothing. You know her, she just talks irrelevant', Payal tried to handle the situation.

'Phati Sari! Will you tell me or should I ask Arnav bitwa directly?' Manorama glared at Khushi, who by now realised her mistake and was trembling with fear.

'Maaji, it is no big issue', Payal consoled only to earn another glare from Manorama.

Khushi hesitated to disclose the truth, later decided it was better to confide herself than Manorama knowing it from Arnav. She knew he would definitely not spare her!

Listening to the whole incident from Khushi, Manorama could only gasp in shock and surprise.

'How dare he to think of destroying my children!' She scowled all set to attack on Shyam, when Khushi and Payal successfully controlled her.

'Mamiji, we have a plan! Just be patient! He is not going to spend this night in Raizada Mansion', Khushi admitted with a smirk.

Manorama cupped Khushi and Payal's cheeks and said, 'Just be safe. I want you both to be fine', with only pure love shining in her eyes.

Someone cleared their throat behind them drawing the attention of the three ladies. 'What about us?' Akash asked with teasing looks at Manorama who never showed her loving mother-in-law side to anyone yet! Arnav and NK followed behind with the same question lingering in their eyes!

'Wah Mamiji, I see you have changed sides', remarked NK, arching his eyebrows.

Manorama quickly withdrew her hands from them and replied, still not accepting her love for her daughters-in-law. 'I did not change sides. I accept them because Akash and Arnav's lives depend on them.'

'Nice way to cover up. But I dont buy this excuse', NK again teased.

'Hello hi bye bye! Stop teasing me NK! Otherwise I will have to let Madhumati to deal with you', said Manorama with a smirk playing on her lips.

'What? Noooo!' Yelled NK dramatically for the others to burst out in fits of laughter.

'Jokes apart, be careful all of you', warned Manorama after a few minutes.

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