Chapter 36

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The sight that welcomed Arnav was a cute little baby in his Mami's arms, being cajoled by all the family members, but his mind and heart wanted to see that one person for whom he lived all these years. For whom he strived day and night. His Di!

She laid numb on the bed, totally lost in her own world, not answering any of the questions posed by NK and Mami who were worried about her condition.

Arnav approached her with calculative steps, as this one sight of his Di drained off all the energy he had. The sight which he never wished to witness, was welcoming him, infact more dreadful one!

He gently caressed her hairs, calling out for his Di only to be left disappointed. Her state of numbness definitely created a fear in their minds.

'Arnav bitwa, she had not seen the baby yet. And not responding too. I am scared', Mami put forth her fears, gently caressing the crying baby in her arms.

Nani saw her granddaughter lying lifeless, but the wailing neonate caught her attention. Anjali's trauma is on one side and the baby on the other. She needed her mother more. Fearing the consequences, Nani tried her hand to wake up Anjali from her stance.

'Anjali bitiya, see! Your child! Your rajkumari!' Nani shook her vigorously successfully attaining her attention towards them.

Arnav and the others heaved a sigh of relief.

'Di', he immediately crouched on the bed, holding her shoulders, helping her to get up.

Mami placed the baby in her lap that definitely shifted Anjali's attention towards her child. Her rajkumari laid in front of her crying, and it did not take long for the mother's instincts to kick off.

She held her baby to her child, herself letting the tears spill out, and miraculously, the angel in her arms stopped her sobs as if recognising her mother's touch. She wet her child's face with numerous kisses, as if letting all her pain out in that form.

Arnav and the rest were quite relieved to see her responding, atleast to the baby.

'Di, are you okay?' Arnav asked a few minutes later.

Anjali looked up at Arnav, again her face going back to the nonchalant and unresponsive one, that definitely shocked Arnav. His Di, never in their lives, stared at him blank. He did not know what to do. He was helpless, but still he tried to be strong for his Di.

Staring at him, she replied, 'Leave me alone Arnav. I want some time'.

Arnav? Did she just call him that? Does that mean.. she did not trust him? Arnav's heart paced. He felt defeated. The moment he was dreading for has come in real!

'Nani, please tell them to leave. I just want to be alone', Anjali spoke in a very low voice.

'Di, you cant do this! You cant stop talking to me! You cant do this to me!' Arnav said frantically.

Anjali sat unmoved, her face stern. The others gasped at her behaviour, unable to believe that she distanced herself from Arnav, her Chote!

Noticing her granddaughter's state, Nani could do nothing but abide by it. She drove the others out of the room but Arnav did not move an inch. He stood staring at his Di, unable to comprehend what she went through.

'Di, please say something. You have to let us know', Arnav pleaded again, with her hands on her forearms.

'Leave me alone Arnav', She spoke sternly that he literally shuddered. The tone she used was so not Anjali. He could not believe his eyes.

But he too sat firm, as adamant as his sister. He kept looking at her for any signs of breakdown but none came. It was as if she turned into a rock. The baby in her arms started crying, to gain back Anjali's attention. Her eyes softened. She took her in her embrace and cooed, totally opposite to the expressions she had just few minutes back.

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