Chapter 16

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Shyam arrived that day late in the night. He was frustrated. He was worried about something. This dint go unnoticed by someone who was eagerly waiting for Shyam's arrival back in Raizada Mansion.

When Shyam reached his room, he had to put his facade on. Anjali should not get a glimpse of his annoyance.

As he entered, he saw Anjali sleeping peacefully. He thanked god for saving him from constant bickering from his wife lest he would have an outburst where he might actually implant doubts in her mind. Little did he know that it is not much longer that his wife would start suspecting him.

The next day in Raizada Mansion was usual with Khushi and Payal in the kitchen, Mami in her dreamland, Nani in the mandir, NK with his chips and movie, Akash and Arnav in their office.

Anjali was excited that her husband was back from work. Noticing his tiredness and frustration, she gently asked, 'Shyamji, are you ok? You look tensed? Any problem at work?'

Shyam was just waiting for this moment when Anjali would show her concern and he, with his fake tears, would come up with an excuse to borrow money from her.

Before Shyam, Anjali cut him in saying, 'Shyamji, yesterday we all had a discussion regarding my career as an architect. And I truly feel I have wasted all my talent. I would love to start working again. What do you think?'

'Oh No! This cant happen. It was better if Anjali remains inside RM and devotes all her time to the mandir. She cant become independent. Then it will not be easier for me to tackle her', thought Shyam.

Shyam tried to convince Anjali that she had a husband who earns enough for their family and moreover she cant work in her pregnant state. Anjali suggested she would just start her ground work for now and later, after the arrival of their baby, she would do it full fledged. Finally he had to give up as she was very stubborn. Typical Raizada siblings! He thought Anjali's enthusiasm was momentary and she would forget all this considering her pregnancy and the tiredness it brings along.

Giving in to her demands, Shyam finally approached Anjali for money stating that he had promised to lend some donation to a foundation and that he had no money at hand right now.

'But which foundation is it Shyamji? So that I can write the name on cheque'

'Arre Rani Sahiba, you dont need to worry. I can write it. You just sign and give na', he insisted.

'Okay, here you go. But atleast tell me the name of the foundation!'

'Its uh.. haan Aastha foundation, the one in Delhi. The one we visited once during the initial days of marriage?'

'Oh yeah. You are so good Shyamji.' Anjali couldnt stop praising her husband not knowing how vile he is and hugged him out of love. Shyam reciprocated it with a wicked smirk on his face.

That evening, Khushi saw a overexcited Arnav entering into Shantivan after his work. He yelled to HP for a coffee and tried to spot Khushi. He finally found her in the kitchen and said with a serious look on his face but his voice held warmth, 'Khushi, we need to talk. Its really important. Please come with me to our room'. Did he just request her? May be. Khushi could see he was changing, though he becomes kadoos ASR sometimes, he is still trying to change. That was what she always wanted. So she silently followed him not willing to pick up an argument.

Once inside their room, Arnav handed her a few papers and spoke, 'Khushi, these are few application forms of colleges where you can continue your studies. I dont know whether you will really appreciate this but after listening to your opinions about being independent, I thought it was high time I support you too so that you also be independent. When we were staying in Lakshmi Nagar, I heard your Amma saying that you had to discontinue your studies and move to Delhi because of one stupid stunt pulled by me'.

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