Chapter 29

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Arnav could not bear Khushi's ignorance. He, for sure, did not expect the reaction Khushi gave. He thought she would scold him, taunt him, hurt him, or console him. But alas! None of that happened. She ignored him! For the very first time, Arnav Singh Raizada, knew the pain of ignorance. He knew how big a sin he committed. He knew it was really too late! Too late for forgiveness, for a second chance!

Arnav Singh Raizada felt his world shattering. He slumped near his bed, unable to face the rejection from the love of his life. His insides clenched with disgust upon himself, for being in such a state just because of his own distrust and disbelief. Khushi Kumari Gupta, who always stood up and faced him, ran away today, avoiding him. The quality in Khushi that attracted her towards him, stays no more with her! And he, is the sole reason for her destruction. He killed the original version of Khushi Kumari Gupta.

Khushi, who ran away from Arnav, could not stop her sobs. Not so soon! The sight she witnessed was unforgettable. Arnav Singh Raizada, pleading in front of her. His voice and apologies, reverberated in her ears!

'Forgive me Khushi. Please forgive me for all the hurt I caused you. Please free me from this guilt. Please give me a chance to prove myself as your husband. I promise to never let you down. I promise.'

His words did not seem to stop screaming in her ears. She shut her ears waiting for the voices to vanish but in vain. Confused on what was she exactly going through, to put all her messed up thoughts into control, she strode towards the only person who could her get out of all these worries! Her Devi Maiya! Only she could give her a clear picture! Her best friend! She made her way to the house Mandir!

'Devi Maiya! Why Arnavji's pleas dont bring me satisfaction? Why do I feel the same pain he is undergoing? Why cant I bear his tears? Why am I not able to hate him for what he did to me? Why? Why?' Khushi was exhausted crying and questioning. She just closed her eyes with a hope that she would find some solution to her burning heart.

The moment her eyes shut, all the memories of their togetherness, right from their first meet till that day flashed in front of her.

How he changed from an arrogant person to a caring and loving Arnav. Who once claimed to write his destiny, accepted that it was not how it works. Who once knew only to dominate her, now asks her permission, keeps in mind her preferences, her fear of speeding cars everything. Who once forced her to marry him, now begged for a chance to rectify his mistakes. Most importantly, the image of Arnav begging her to forgive him proved how powerless he was. Yes, he was wrong to distrust her. He was wrong to claim that she had an affair not even listening to her side of the story, but that was what he always was. Wasn't he? He never really had a grip on his temper. He was impulsive. And she loved him inspite of knowing the fact. Now what was bothering her?

'The fact that though they were in love, he trusted another person not even once trying to give a chance to his beloved to explain herself', her brain stated.

'But he was repenting. Wasn't he? He was guilty and he is showing it every second. For an arrogant person like him, being subdued is not an easy task. But he does that for you.' Her heart screamed.

'What if he never got to know the truth? And these 6 months were over, and you were out of his life?' Again her brain protested.

'He would have never stopped loving you. He had many ways to destroy you, but why did he marry?' Her heart again put her in a fix.

'To protect his Di, of course!' Brain tried to reason.

'He could have made you go out of their lives completely, if needed. Why did he keep you close?' Her heart asked.

'To destroy you!' Brain screamed.

'Did he do that? Did he misbehave? Apart from marrying you forcefully, did he impose his rights as husband on you?' Heart asked sarcastically knowing that it was on winning side.

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